Show Ners 1 l Rodeo O Crowds an Legion ROday ROon Roon RO- RO American tyS ty'S Saturday and Friday day on be beL to proved and nd L finest In the west with events and Lick tock toek for all he finest riders ropers from eleven states various events and the he best of novelty events Ick ck riding and roping etc enjoy- enjoy on both days Lit nt from the time that Queen Mrs S. S ST T T. Nelson City led the performers Ifield field until the final calf that with performances with any rodeo throughout the show on m n Rodeo odeo Queen appear- appear Mexican Regalia i I 1 old buckskin horse Ion on hand at all aU times to place at the head of all alli i at the opening of var- var lett of Cedar City did as Rodeo Clown fent nt job dull moment to ever a crowd Frank Prank and Berlin Ber Ber- lin famous trick ropers and andt t probably the biggest W performers with their ding and specialty whip stunts Other fine fea- fea Homer Romer Roark of Calas Cala- Cala s 5 Colorado bulldogging rom rem an automobile and andsOn sOn Lson n of Las Vegas with d Brahms Brahma Steer jew w a of Payson furnished for the show and proof proof proof pro pro- of the best strings of ones ses ever to appear In and unusually wild lotis loas Brahma steers that riders do their very best bet pay BY 37 on OD ropers and bulldoggers en n a states were entered the towns being represented 1 and SaUna Salina Utah Silver SUver Baker Nevada May ng ag Beach Ventura Vis- Vis Pamona California Douge Doug- Doug enne e Lone Tree Jackson rr r P. P Wyoming Predonia Fredonia Casa Grande Orande and Yarnell Dead Wood and ft South Dakota Yakima n a Florey and Midland pinion don nion Pendleton and Ga- Ga Colorado Springs nver ver ver Colorado Tulsa Buist Fort Hall and 1 lis Idaho and andI I Nebraska I ners ers of the various ROts Rots ROis Ro- Ro ts is were as follows ck Riding First Day Carl oem Ariz first Te Tex Tec L orilla Texas second 0 May Wood nd d Day Carl Dosey ex Doyle second David Davider er Conata South Dakota j Riding First Day Carl Carlt t Chuch Heacock Twin 0 second Bud Morrison Oregon third Second SecondI I Wilkinson Douglas Wyo Carl Dosey second I Daniels Tulsa Oklahoma n ging First Day Homer lorado Colorado Springs Colorado i 84 U seconds Chuck Hea- Hea nd ad time Vie Vic Black Black- rey y Texas third time lime ds dB Second Day Melvin Melvln Deseret Utah first time tune Ns ds Holloway Grace Po- Po second time Harry Logue and Tex tied d for third 16 18 seconds Vie Vic TO Blackstone first av- av B. B O. O Rutledge Texas Texa second average P a seconds Homer Roark I time seconds r RidIng aiding First Day Chuck Cheyene Wyoming first Ie Ic second Buck Peterson eak Nevada third Second tICk uck k Williams Wiman and Cody n Union Oregon n. n tied for Doc Blackstone Midland third Finals Chuck WU- WU zt Buck Peterson second third Roping First Day Lloyd I Galena Oregon first time lime I MelVin Melvln Cropper se se- se- se Grace third seconds Second Day B. B U. U e tInt time 17 11 seconds Conley u casa Grande v. v VIlIl ti time seconds Lone Tree Wy Wy- third time 19 seconds 3 LloYd Depew first average seconds i Melvin Cn Cropper et average lime 25 seconds secondi Snively South third average time Ume se- se Vernal of Beaver It ta a very serious operation hospital e In Ced Cedar City Tues In the pa past month Uon Sa reported to be |