Show Abandoned Rail Coaches Converted Con Into Dwelling Niagara Falls FaUs N. N Y Two y-Two Two abandoned abandoned aban aban- railroad cars which several years yeara ago carried tourists along the now extinct Niagara gorge route have been converted into a a. a snug dwelling by an enterprising Niagara Falls bus driver Willard Lockhart unable to get a aloan aloan aloan loan to build a house on a lot he owned seized upon the opportunity to purchase the bodies of the cars for 50 each After having the cars set parallel to each other on a cement foundation foundation foundation tion he had built Lockhart during his spare time replaced the old floors floora with hardwood redecorated and painted both cars and blocked out some of the windows The vestibule of one of the cars serves as a kitchen with an electric range and other modern equipment The remainder of the car Is used as 81 asa asa a parlor The other car Is partitioned partitioned partitioned parti parti- into three bedrooms |