Show City Officials Will ViII Take Oath of Office Jan 1 The TIle city officers who were elected elect elec elected ed last November will take their I oath of office at noon Saturday January 1st and will immediately I take over their duties in to office The TIle only change in elective city I officers will be the Mayor one short term councilman and th this thi I treasurer It IL H H. H Lunt replacing Charles R R. Hunter as ma mayor 1 r Myron Myron My My- ron F F. Higbe replacing Oscar Larson Larson Larson Lar- Lar son in the council and Mrs Daniel 1 Webster replacing Mrs Rose Fuller I as treasurer Dr J J. J W. W Bergstrom Leland Bettenson and Kenneth Macfarlane were re-elected re Bergstrom Berg Berg- Bergstrom strom for four years ears and the othera others others oth oth- ers era for two years each W. W Arthur ArthurI Jones Is the holdover member of or I the council Herbert Haight was wasI elected re-elected as recorder I The final act of the present adi administration ad- ad i ministration will be to approve th the i budget for 1938 and pass an ap apt j I I ordinance authorizing Ithe the expenditures set c t up in the I I budget Tills This will be done Friday I afternoon following a public hearing hearIng hearing hear hear- I ing on the budget |