Show SEEN HEARD SEEN and HEARD around th the th National Capital a CARTER FIELD I 0 I Washington Insurgency ot of business against the New Deal threaten threat threat- en en to upset a political tradition aa 1 n old ohi as party part campaigns In this coun try tr The tradition la 11 s that the patty party In III power always wins when the country country coun coun- tr try Is II prosperous and alwa always loses lORe when times time are hard The present movement ma nay may be misleadIng misleading mis mis- leading but the tact fact Is la that a great gnat man many leaders are hoping for oe more and more blare prosperity not just as patriotic Americans but bul M a bitter partisans Only with a great wave of ot prosperity they now believe will they thel have a real chance against Franklin I U Roosevelt In 1030 1036 Until Hie llie last few weeks for tor the whole hole period during which the blue blueeagle eagle has been functioning and the brain tro trust trim t Inspiring legislation aimed at curtailing profits for the advantage of ot the tho workers and anti consumers Republican lican leaders leader had been very verI gloomy gloom about the prospect If It lf prosperity prof cornea comes buck man many of at them nothing can cnn bent beat Roose Hoose velt veiL lie He will bo ho a hero and will wilt be recognized as ns the savior of ot the countr coun try tr Wo We will not have a chance for forthe the election of Republican candidates uni unless times time are hard lIari unless It Is evident evl evi lent dent that flint his Y various policies are ore not the proper medicine for what ails alls us Hut as persons we wn want nt prosperity It Is Ii better to have the countr country In good Rood shape o even If we are kept out of ot power by ly that very condition Hut a proverb much older seems acorns to be running to this theory so generally gen geri trally held un unI 1 lately It Is The devil was sick lick tho the devil dell a monk would be tho devil was well the welt the devil a monk was lie Ite In short business W was l eager to have tho government tr try anything a year ago anything go anything to get got the country back bock bockon backon on Its feet It was waa willing to accept the codes higher wages and shorter hours houra in fact tact It was willing to take an any medicine no matter how bad tast ing Hut now tho the devil Is getting well I Ilie lie He doesn't like the medicine Me lie Just wants ants to be let alono alone and Is ia beginning to think that lie he would have gotten well anyhow without the governmental tinkering Becoming Alarmed Republican orators have hare been preaching this doctrine but tho the old politicians among them thought they wore just making the best of a n very verI bad situation They continued certain crr tain that returning prosperity would redound to the credit of ot the administration adminIstration adminis adminIs- and make on any comeback on the thet part of ot the tho Republicans Impossible It Is tho the attitude of business executives tives Uns that tins has upset this They are beginning to be verI very alarmed over the ultimate objects of tho the Roosevelt New Deal now that they thy think the depression depres sion Is passing Into history They are particularly worried about this continued contin contla harping on the part of the New Now Dealers on cutting down profits not to mention the Insistence on more moro union recognition etc te The theory now accepted by bl Republican lican lenders here bere Is 18 that t It if business continues to get better during the tho next year and a half halt business will become more and more moro restive and by bl the time the tho campaign opens Ui up there will be bea bea a regimentation of ot business against the tue administration which will stand a fair chance of success Despite rumors about a possible turning to the right on the part of the President the private opinion of Republican leaders Is that tho the lents dents heart Is set on going down In history as having set up UI a new order They think he belle believes profoundly In the economic and ocial soundness of ot the New Deal policies and hence they believe belle he ho will continue just as 81 ashe ashe he has hns been going and ond tight fight for tor his program So now they have hn been bren led to the conviction that tho the moro more prosperous the country Is lu in 1034 1 the more chance there thero will be of or electing a n Republican President I 1 Senate Balks Balk While there thero Is more mote talk the on surface surface sur sur- sur fa face about Capitol Hills Hill's revolting on stock tock exchange regulation payment of at closed 1 bank bunk deposits and amendment of at the tue securities act than on the tho proposed pro pro- posed new tariff powers for the President dent lI actually senators are more con COli corned about that privately than an anything any thin thing else the President wants before adjournment Yet the Chief O Insists on the grant The point Is that the senators do donot donot donot not want to give up their own power In tariff tinkering Not Net only do they about the advantages od of ot such power theoretically they are con being given demonstrations d of ot Its Ita value ulue At the present moment the tho sugar allotment allotment al al- or quota bill Is In La the throes Powerful lobbies representing the various various va vs rious Interests are In Washington and andaU andall andall all aU the tho talk Is la not of ot high ethics morals mor mo all ala and what Is best for the tho country or the world Not for tor a minute There are plenty of ot subtle and subtle and some not Dot so subtle subtle suggestions suggestions about campaign cam contributions lining up this or oi that faction In a state through direct direel director or Indirect connections Senators UI up for tor re election this fall full L Lare are particularly subject to this pressure pres prea sure at the moment Some of it tt Is U an an- rut Hut some of ot it Is ts very Iry gratl tying One of the little squabbles for toi example Is as to whether a quota for toi hawaii shall be written Into the bill The Hawaiian Interests always powerful pow erful want It They The want that prot protection pro pro- t and they thel do not like the attitude attitude atti attl- tude of at Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. A Wallace at all au Wallace Vallace marked market down dowD the estimate he be gave the President dent for Hawaii It was It-was as the only one he did mark down lawn I ater his hll lieutenants lieu t tenants told senators that the President Prel dent would veto the bill If congress i Insisted on giving Hawaii a fixed quota b by law lawi I Secretary of ot the Interior Harold LIckel L L. I Ickes rushed In to the defense of Ha 1111 ha- ha waiL lie He wants wanta Hawaii given a flied Hied q quota In the law While he lie did nots not a say 88 s ao so It was 81 obvious that be he did not want to trust the Hawaiian sugar lugar g rowers growers to the tender mercies mercle of ot Secretary Sec r Wallace I ckel sri vs Wallace Thus Ickes so 10 recently the champion champion cham chain p pion ion of at the Philippines on coconut oil t turns urns on the Filipinos on sugar for tor forthe t the he Philippine representatives here bere are f lighting against this protection for tor Hawaii Ha lIa wall as though against a plague In tn f fact act the two Island groups are tile tie c chief hief opponents though of ot course the b beet sugar Ingar Interests for once In their l lives ives are In alliance with the Cuban I i Interests in I preventing Hawaii's getting get t ting ing any advantage ad Perhaps It would b bo e more inure accurate to say lIay they joined with the Philippines In trying to force I l Hawaii to take first a Ii reduction and t then hen a larger than proportionate share I If o of f the risk Wallace who so recently rapped the b beet sugar people over the knuckles knuckl's i Intimating that beet sugar was Willi one ono a agricultural Industry which had little j Justification Is now fighting for the b beet Interests and against Hawaii All of ot which Indicates the possibilities t ties ies for tor otherwise disinterested sena sena- tors tora t ore They discovered many of them a host of new supporters In their s states tates men whose business or social t ties ies draw them to the Philippine In Interests Interests In- In t or the Hawaiian as 81 the case lOa may be The truth is the situation situations i Is s getting so much lOuch out Into the tho open t that hat It may easily develop Into a scandal scan scan- d dal da al I It If certain operatives are not very er c careful despite the tho recent object lessons lessons les lea S sons ons of or the danger of at playing with t that hat kind of Ore fire S Sounding the Public Questions as to what Is the real feeling feel teel i ing ng at the tue moment tow toward rd the administration admin admin- i have ha been broadcast b by InQuiries Inquiries In In- q sent all over the tho country b by bythe qt the he t writer in the last few weeks It Is never easy eusy to take a cross crolls section see sec t lon tion and boll boil It t down to a few paragraphs para pars g graphs and the mere statement of all t the he opinions received while It might make muke Interesting reading would not note b be e of ot much value for It would be necessary nee nee- e essary to use too ninny many words to explain ex ex- ex p plain lain why each person was Interesting o or r opt apt to e hu good judgment and particularly par t how hol the tho writer knew that p particular persons person's judgment was good Hut here Is tho the result of all aU the Inquiries In in- q and answers 1 I. The President is still tremendously tremendous l ly y strong strong not not so strong as he be was six months ago but ago but probably stronger t than han he was on election day 2 From row present Indications the Democrats will at least hold their own i In n the senate In the election this fall which means maintenance of a huge majority 3 S. The Democratic majority In the house will be cut sharply probably not less than 7 73 75 seats but certainly not enough to endanger Democratic control of the lower bouse house 4 Port Part of the reaction against the President Is due to the improvement i in n business and employment the point being that there Is no longer the horrible hor fear and the desire to try an any remedy so the patient Is now querulous lous bus about the taste of the medicine 5 Most of the so-called so reaction Is against the brain trust and Its radical Ideas rather than against tho the President himself At least this Is the spoken word as RI reported Which means very III little lit because that Is Id always the way Loyalty lies only to the king not king not notto to the kings king's ministers Agree on One Point I One point about which nearly aUtho all aU the tho answers agree is that while there I has been an nn ebb tide In Roosevelt ell i I strength th In the last few months It Is Isan Isan I an ebb bb from the tho peak penk of the flood which was not attained at election time despite the size of the landslide but many ny months after Inauguration I INo INo No one with whom the writer has talked or from whom he ho has had written writ I ten answers 1 ventured to say that the present stage of the popularity barometer baroin- baroin eter was actually down to the election point I It may tuny be bt but no one seemed sure of It The point Is U made wude that the Ito Roosevelt sevelt landslide was not a vote for Roosevelt but a vote against Hoover er This oh- oh ob 1 tact fart which so 10 man many In discussing discussing discus discus- I sing the present situation overlook I though they knew koew it perfectly well at atthe the tho time makes any attempt at com corn far tar more It pre- pre I veins S the 1012 election returns from being an accurate barometer reading on Roosevelt's strength However there Is no doubt that with his tours of ot the country and his man many speeches In the campaign Roosevelt j I won a great deal of popular support lie He was 81 tremendously stronger on election election elec dec tion lion day dal than the tue day he be was nomi- nomi 1 i He tit continued to grow V In 10 popularity popularity larity until unlit sonic some mystical date when the tue rugged Individualists always IndivIdualists always re re- reI I the methods by which Improvement Improve Improve- ment was being brought about though not knowing what elso else they would have ha done to solve e the problem problem came came cameto to the conclusion that no more wore governmental gOY got aid or Interference was wu needed n |