Show Final Rites Held For George Uric Funeral services were held In the Third Ward Chapel Friday afternoon for George Uric Urie 76 Cedar City pioneer pioneer pioneer pio pio- neer who died Wednesday of pneumonia pneumonia pneumonia monia following a brief Illness Ulness from that disease and several years rears of poor health Incident to age Mr Urle Uric prominent stockman was born in the Old Fort and was active In early commercial and agricultural development of Cedar City Speakers at the services service were Samuel Samuel Sam Bam uel F. F Leigh Lehl Lehi W. W Jones and Nelson Nelson Nelson Nel Nel- son B. B Dalley Dailey of Summit The opening and closing musical numbers were by the Choir singing Through Deepening Trials and Rest Rest For The Weary respectively OTher otner musical al numbers were a vocal solo Oh My Father by Mrs Hazel Granger accompanied by Mrs Lillian Macfarlane piano and Mrs Ila Wheelwright Wheelwright Wheelwright Wheel Wheel- wright and a male quartet Some Time Well We'll Understand by Lorin Mlles Miles Kenneth Kenneh Macfarlane Miles Walker and Wm C. C Macfarlane Invocation was by Samuel B. B Jones I benediction by Heber lIeber Benson of Par Par- owan The grave was dedicated by Joseph S. S Fife |