Show Increased Salary For 35 1934 Teachers Contracts of practically practically all teachers In the schools of Iron county have been signed aimed and returned Extension of time has been given liven in a few cases and only Ii a a tew few other vacancies re remain remain reo re- main to be filled The contracts call for an increase In salary Alary and a two weeks week's longer term Those who have signed aimed are as follows follows follows fol fol- lows L. L C. C Miles dUes Pratt Bethers Mary Urle Uric Clara Anderson A A. L L. Furlong A. A C. C Hatch Lynn Wood Elizabeth Elisabeth Snow Lorin F F. Wheelwright Ether S Richard Best Oscar Hulet Hazel Granger Earl Slaughter Mary Dalley DaUer Miriam Luke Leila Larson Mary Orton Virginia Pearce Ann Clark Miss Adams Mattle Mattie Booth Winnifred Uric Urie Glenn E E. E Snow Louise Adams Ray Garner Gamer Ivan Decker J J. J H. H Pendleton L. L Walter Peterson Wendell Bayles Albert Mitchell Chas Griffin Cleo Bishop Olenna Glenna M. M Ward Beatrice Adams Mary Adams Emma Bastain Robert Una Peterson Pet Pet- erson Dolline Jones Norma SChneiter Laverna Heaton Beaton Winnel Winne 1 Dalley Dailey Arr Nita Uric Urie Helen Stones and and Doris Peterson I |