Show DAR Daft BOY ELECTED HEAD OF STUDENT BODY stood Corry was named president the Branch Agricultural College lent tat body for 35 1934 at school dons held beld Thursday Mr Corry Is umber of the Chi Theta Iota frady frailty fra fra- f. dy president of the Ag club and andi i c a letter in debating this year rear He rated ted Vurge Smith by a very narI nar- nar I margin marrIn for the coveted position smith is a member of or Phi Sigma o fraternity was chairman of Jun- Jun Ram Prom committee and Is a popular to n at the school Both are Cedar t residents to ther officers elected were Mae Maee lAIle e cedar vice vlee president I 4 b Little Cedar secretary and Adams Parowan I Publications defeating Rosabelle Rosabella es Milford Uford Hanson Fill Fill- I n and Maurice Hanks Monroe 11 |