Show Overcrowded Lives One of the Greatest Menaces l to the American Home By Dy REV HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK Baptist New ew York I NE KE of 0 our most Important modern problems comes romes from the OJ O fact that w we have an outer world of 01 multiplying complications trying to crowd into a day that thai will not grow longer and into a capacity to pay attention that will not expand In ron consequence consequence conse conse- e- e quence we are like subway trains in the rush hour Open our doors even evena a little end and endless pushing things crowd in until the space spare is jammed and nothing more can nn enter As Ai a result we live cluttered lives live frequently with lovely and excel excellent lent things pushed out and thing things about which we do not care entering i This Tins is the secret of failure in thousands of American merican hom homes s many going to pieces pieres bf because love lore and romance are crowded out The schedule that tyrant of modern life Jile that tells s what we must i ibe be doing ev every evry ry half hour for Cor weeks week ahead wrecks our our ur homes the husband hus bus band and wife having bating different schedules and both forgetting to save the situation by scheduling time with each other Any ny man who is too busy to schedule time with his family is too busy bUllY Materialistic atheism an and beastliness are two kinds of religion but most irreligious persons are neither neither- atheistic nor beastly an and merely have allowed their time and thought to be pre d. d Let the great grent reverences re stand at nt the center of ot life Ute and n neter never let the jostling crowd of things pull an and haul you ou until you yourself become a mob |