Show m m m t Ogden Livestock Show This Year To Be Biggest Event Ever Staged National Breeders from all Parts of United States Entered 3 3 Cham Champion ion Bulls to be Crowned Tho 1110 show ring at the Tenth An Annual Annual Annual An- An nual Ogden Livestock Show January January- IV 5 10 1929 will be the field of ot conquest conquest con con- con quest in which the American all grand crand champion bulls will be crowned this year Events have materialized in such suds a way ay that the grand c champion bull in both the tho Shorthorn and aDd Hereford Here Herc- ford orrt breeds at the Chicago International md nd Kansas City Royal p the East and the Pacific International representing the West will m meet et at Ogden and the winner at this Show will have a cl clear title t to to o the grand championship of ot the countr country this year ear In going over the tha records of tho the livestock shows mows of of America for the tha past several years one has not been boen found wherein any one show has had the distinction of ot being able to decide the American All grand champion chess cham pion bulls in the two most moat popular beef breeds Ogden has been hailed as the meeting metUng place of champions and events this year will verity verify that statement in hi an un undisputable man man- ner Mark owned b by F. F H. H Rothrock of Spokane w. w Washington n was Rae purple winner at the last wt Pacific In In- In in the Shorthorn breed Belmont Hartland owned by Herbert Chandler of ed Baker City Oregon won the same samo honors at the show in the Continued on Page Four POW app snow SlOW TO BB Z oG EVENT EVER STAGED continued from Page One d classes At the Chicago Inon In- In s on al Beau B Baldwin was Hereford d Grand orand d Champion declared City Royal M Anoka ADoka it at the l Kansas tad and Shorthorn win wun- nest t was 5 the toe hIlt bIu f famous bulls buns will be bett ft tOUt ef The lip at tt the Tenth Annual Ogden ock Show 1 above mentioned mention mention- winners I the BeSIde goides j Li other breeders bleeders are entering ral rd ed contenders for the hones hon- hon sae o of national as breed headers at this erS es John H Seely and a nit Mt PI 1 Utah EG Ct t jot o f Mt Pleasant sans outstanding two tin Atolls that have possibilities I championship prizes j an away of d rams Fume of ot Grain Drain Va Valley ey I SnI BaI accomplished the feat a arf have are number rf cl times In the last few years ears ol ot their bulls buUs might surprise and one ODI a ther Shorthorn contenders this year ear Hereford classes the Walter In the h of Livingston Farm Faros show herd of Livingston are here nere with ith their heir grand It a cow and their Junior champion champion cham- cham pion rion bull bun from irom the Chicago Both these Individuals are u l The bull buU a junior calf J us pronounced the best Individual for far in the country toda today hU hJ age Champions In the dairy breeds ol of ot swine and sheep cattle attle and to In the H s till iso also be present to uphold UI their former honors at the Ogden L ock t Show of of livestock Ile Jud value of a display d at such tuch unusual merit to the thel livestock of ot the Intermountain section can Wn be over estimated The Ogden Livestock Show management extends Invitations to breeders farmer Jarmen farm Jarm- en ers and business men to come to this je years lean rs show and partake of the enthusIasm enthus enthus- ton and the spirit of Go Forward Cat will be there In great abundance anee |