Show j ID I. wen 8 I NEARBY I a AND Dy T T. T YONDER Maxey I i I Kl HU au Indian name came meaning a highly salted bud body of water wilIer has bits been contracted to tu Chesapeake the name of that allure lug ing Inland seer sea that cuts cute Virginia In and nd almost bisects ho time state o of Mur Muir Maryland land No Ku wider alder than a river at Its head the lime Chesapeake to 10 a width of 21 22 miles mills In 10 the J 1 1113 tulles miles to Its JoinIng JoinIng Join Join- Ing log willi the sea Its depth Is II 10 feet flet and gross ross area ea about f square miles II es It Is s fed by some f Co 0 tributaries ranging tl from two Iwo to too IOU I wiles tulles In length the chief one of which Is time the historic Potomac I These rib I harbor harlor many quaint villages of ot quirt charm that hold ancient co- co I homes of ot rare beauty This hll romantic bay became known I to white mien men quite by accident In 1 I 1 Go when some sane passing vessels were blown Into Its mouth It figures prominently prom j III In the tho development de of the time surI surrounding sur sur- rounding country ha has a n war or record I of of f renown and Is known for tor the time unusual un unusual usual colorfulness of ot Its sunsets The TIll Chesapeake Is a great sen sea food food I bin producing more oysters than any other body hOlly of water ater In the world During DurIng Dur Dur- ing lug one year Maryland l and Virginia wille II embrace It produced I oysters clams chains crabs terrapin and fish valued at lit almost It also Is a great wildfowl refuge Its shelters beIng be be- being ing lug famed ns as habitats for myriads of ot the winged tribes A Again aln It Is an on outstanding outstanding out out- standing commercial utility bearing upon its hO bosom lm great cargoes of ot tb the th worlds world's goods between Baltimore and other world perls In both bolh this Ibis and foreign lands e Second Forty-Second Street lm E I largo large city has n a street streel which fur for one reason or another on r has hns beer smiled upon by lIy fortune and ond enJoys en- en Joys n a prominence It not nat naturally follows follo that the larger er the city the more mare fatuous famous the tile street as us a n rule It I Is running true to lo form therefore when n s street street ln second Forty In our nur metropolis reached the Importance mu e that It Is advertised ns as The Worlds World's Greatest Thoroughfare And what a transformation It II has hns had I Only a few decades decodes buck back the eastern portion of second Forty was a d dubbed Shantytown Ii Jt was one of ofHie tile Hie most unsightly sections section l of t tile the city But as us Uptown n Ne pest York responded re re- to the lime urge of progress Forty Forty- second developed Kato Into a 0 great crosstown cross crass town truffle artery from artery from the Hast river to time the and Hudson end today time the former slovenly sl section of It has hlis become be- be beI I I I come tie the most moat high toned and carries corrll's I the tile greatest buildings I Only about two tittles tulles mills long loog but bul approximately ap proximately loo tou fret feet wide with elevated elevated ele ele- railroads running over It streetcars street turn cars operating on It und and subways burrowing bur under It hns' hns become be lie rowing second Forty has hns such thoroughfare come a 1 necessary that New pw York would be hard put PUI to get gf along without It II It hns has been estimated thai lint more than persons and ond upwards of at vehicles use It every twenty twenty- four hours that thai persons live within convenient e walk walk- walkIng In hog Ing distance and another million within with with- in n a few minutes ride Shops nf mif every ery Imaginable line Its sides Fides along with great terminals ter ler terI theaters loft loti and of of- I Ilire lire lice and monstrous hotels hotels- I nt nl one one of which people are I said to tn dine dully dally dailye e The National Library HE National library us the tile Ll- Ll of or s s nt ot sometime Is II railed culled Is III the largest 1 In of Us lis kind In all of the A 1 Treasure immure hou house e of knowledge covers three it and ml half one acres of ground hits him eight acres of or nr spate e width contain more mare than Ihan i. Jr MI Hal h h hk ks occupying more noire than of shelving 1111 vi II covering pr I every sub Jc t tinder ender the HIP sun Kun Almost st 2151 nn no 1 life are In this si upend oil collection ulna o l lIIn 4 china and lead leadIng tug Ing the foreign II list I with more than limn und trod 01 volumes II mI respectively respective respective- ly Iy and nUl following with more thou than end and re rp I ply In n addition I there are ore up 1 tv win ids In of met m maps ps end charts I r M photographs and prints and musical scores A staff of experts s U is employed to n assist of at government o and I public cullers cullers' In locating Information for which they are ore searching I In Its every Vry plow Is III cum com completely represented rp here For Instance the oldest honk book printed from InO movI i t able uhle type type- national nurl I was printed If ti Mainz In itt Hr I which wilts Will years before Columbus t r re fl i Id ItI time smallest 1 hook bixik which In t I a said gald to he the S sin smaller I Ile I i In the world wand Is le a 8 copy CIPY of the ft u ha I yat of Khayyam which con tutus fm fort eight pages en h el about ul I 1 one one If If Inch Ii ire pou-ire time the largest ol Ix-ol lure probably Is I. of North n In III four lr volumes Its pis pages p being nl uI feet feel high A days day's receipts mind and lO IIII w K-w ap nit tl 17 ks and M NI mugs III III ll 1 compositions I IS la prints and newspapers and nd pert er I Si 18 Wr er w p r |