Show SEEKS SOLITUDE TO PURGE SOUL Moans From Hidden Shack Attract Hunter Pa After In After two VO months of self Isolation to purge ner- ner self of ot wrongdoing a twenty three year old girl was found In a 11 hysterical condition from undernourishment In tn a shark In the heart hear of ot a woods five e miles north of ot here The hiding place of the girl Anna Atna of Cumbola six mlles east I of ot Pottsville was discovered oy Martin Martin Mar Mar- MarI I tin Goss Coss of ot Seltzer r. r rho who ho beard her moaning mooning while he was WOl hunting In Inthe Inthe I the forest lIe He summoned Detective Louts Louis Buono flue Ouo- no and Policeman Silas Silus Collins of ot mho nho persuaded the young joung woman to leave her lonely retreat at and go to An examination b L by n physician rev aled that she V was II suffering from lack of food tood and from ironi exposure She was wearing old torn clothing which offered only feeble protection ngn against the fall tull weather The girl Irl told the police polke she Had dad hen been tiring thing at nt the tumbledown shack shak for tor more than five months and In hi that time has hns subsisted upon berries and herbs picked Ick d In the woods and on oh what she could beg from farmers farmers' when she occasionally ventured out of ot the woods Admitting that eight months ego ago go goshe she had been arrested she told police that she decided to leave lea her home and go co Into the woods wood to cleanse my i soul She blamed her r troubles on her home life lite which she said was one of ot abuse and liquor or l Farmers living tiring on the edge of ot the forest furest recalled seeing the girl but told police they had no knowledge that she had been living alone In la the hidden hut |