Show the lake and ran rail arrangements of the baltimore and ohio railroad for this year we are practically the same as were in effect la in 1897 1997 freight for datke superior ports is sent by way of the northern stearn steamship hip company and the owen oven line is used for the lake michigan ports the trans lake erie arrangements ale are with the detroit steam navigation company between cleveland and detroit and the ashley dustin line lille and the michigan ohio car perry ferry company between betge 8 sandusky and detroit when I 1 borrow row anything I 1 take as egts food care of 0 it as if it were my own right of course say old man I 1 broke my wheel last night will you lend me 9 yours mr meeker but Phill philapena pena you dont 91 go 0 the right way to work with me you should i appeal to the good and noble in me mrs meeker you wish me then to be silent life iafe 1 I never saw anybody hate the span lards like my wife what makes her feel that way she got to reading war news the other day and let a lot of berry jam burn up vacation Is that time ot of year when the small boy quits worrying his teacher and stays at home to worry his parents parent As a rule those people who want the war hurried up have never hurried themselves since they were born we never have any trouble entertaining aunt mary and aunt ellza eliza when the they visit us why not they entertain each other bragging about their diseases cure for consumption has beau a family medicine with us since 1865 J IL madison 2409 42 ad ave ate ill could you love a man who was waa cowardly julia juha well I 1 should want him to have courage enough to propose the government has bought altogether boats since the beginning of the war and has paid over for them the smallest are launches launch es run by naphtha or electric engines while the largest are transports of tons but your right hand band they urged has not lost its cunning the man smiled no be answered 1 I can still count on that detroit journal |