Show CHILD VIEW OF HEROES tonne burns of 0 kansas city schools olf opinions with a view to ascertaining what the children are thinking chinkin about superintendent in greenwood of the public schools of kansas city recently submitted to the pupils the following questions L 1 what picture do you like the best 2 tell why you like it best 3 can you tell the name of any other picture 4 write the name of your favorite hero 5 what do you think makes a hero 6 what book or books have you read that told of heroes many of the answers reflected the effect of the war news on the minds oi 0 the little ones tor for the majority of them selected dewey as their favorite hero washington still holds his place in the hearts of the kansas city totis hun deeds of them having named him as their ideal in fact there w was scarcely a paper that did not contain some reference to the father of his coun W 11 lincoln and daniel boone got no little recognition and an unexpected religious sentiment tor for such a remote settlement developed in the papers of many of the youthful apropo propound d era of the problems submitted in answer to the first question what picture do you like best the filial and reverential spirits were shown in many instances by the answers mother and the saviour the childs conception of a hero and his method of expressing it are interesting features of the answers to mr greenwoods Green woods questions A lad 10 years old says that dewey Is his hero because he done something great for the americans another says what makes a hero Is good character good looks and good company one boy says when a boy Is good in hla his lessons and attends to his own affairs he stands a fair chance to become a hero people that you like makes a hero says corinne corenne may west 12 years old to make a hero a person should be b well educated and very thorough in history says another one girl thinks that an honest and a good headed man makes a hero A religious boys definition of the qualifications of a hero is bravery truthfulness perseverance trustfulness and faith in god |