Show beauty to te blood dak dean clean mood blood means a dean clean sahl 56 beauty without it candy cathartic cleans clean your blood and keeps it clean by stirring up ap the lazy laxy liver and driving all im 1332 purties purit purt iea tes from the body begin today to day to banish pimples amples boils bo Us and that F by taking Casc Case arete areta beauty for ton ten cents all I 1 drug casts satisfaction guaranteed a mr WIn lowa soothing syrup for children the oam P eures core wind ft s cent bouab feet ade soft and tender by excessive perspiration safely and permanently manent ly cured all odors odora destroyed spencers cooling remedy 50 cents postpaid the only reliable remedy 16 years on the market address E W spencer albuquerque new mexico TOE GUM CURES CORNS or money back ac at all druggists for far a perfect complexion and a clear hea ea y skin use COSMO buttermilk SO SOA f SM sold everywhere dent tobacco spit and smoke your tour ute lite away to quit tobacco easily and forever be b magnetic lull full of life nerve and vigor talce take noto no to bac the wonder worker that makes weak men man strong stroba AU or tl cure aarn ua rn teed booklet and sample free address addren sterling remedy co chicago or new york av 1 A T WS TESTIMONY whitt what he carted carried on the die cars ip rp takei Take when W hen travelling Tra velling avery traveller know that continuous francis IL 5 harlowe arlowe Ir of atlanta ga afta journeying eying on an the railroad is very apt to bishes a case in point he be writes derange the system in some ome way xa in spite of f springs and soft oft seats eats there is is a continuous U Forsom per some years eyears V past st I 1 waa Aft subject b e et to jar and vibration which acts act upon pon constipation from which h l I 1 suffered ered increasing the nervous system and produces produce results inconvenience in spite of the somewhat according to the use nse of medicines medicine of various kinds until s strength t r en vl of the traveller or his predispose 60 some me months ago affo when I 1 began halran tion to some specific ailment the most dr J C ayera pills they have re entirely common of continuous continuo car corrected the costive habit babi an and vastly ta riding i is constipation consequence and continuous condition ul tiou improved d nag my general ra bes health tb invariably produces headache and tends tend B atlanta atlan ga to biliousness J 1 converse st louis constipation is perhaps the most serious mo MOM found a way to avoid the evil effects physical evil of today to day it is like the of constipation to which he be was subject octopus a that r P P es its victim and when tra velling he carried with him fasten its tentacles on n trunk and 11 limbs abs 11 the pill that will cure constipation and j one after another until at last incapable all its sequent sufferings suffering this is what of longer long er re resistance istance the helpless being he be says su succumbs C to his frightful foe Cou constipation travelling Tra velling on an the cars cara tends to coast is the beginning of many of the most pation aaion with me but by using ansin dr J C murderous maladies the clogged system ayers ayers pills moderately my dowels bowels are becoming charged with poisons that affect kept in healthy action they also prevent the liver and kidneys kidney and prostrate headache he 1 J J st louis mo the entire being mentally morally and physically physically physical ll dr ayers pills will cure dr ayers pills are for constipation constipate constipation con if you doubt it send for or dr under all 1 circumstances and conditions ayers ayera Cu rebook free containing the they have cured cared long standing cases eases after te testimony of those cured by this remedy every other medicine had failed rev address I 1 J C ayer cai bwll Ms M s IRONING MADE EASY T HASBANY IMITATORS BUT bur NO EQUAL this thio ls L s prepared P on APP 1 1 1 ulo star 0 lai til wu scientific princ principles by men who have had years of 11 esperie experience ex perie we in fancy laundering it IN I 1 resto restores resold ld linen and summer dresses na WM in M CM VP SM to their natural whit whiteness enem and imparts 13 I 1 I 1 I 1 AM a beautiful and lasting finish the ZVI only starch that is perfectly harmless CNE POUND OF vall 00 contains no arsenic alum or other injurious AS FAA AS A POUND AND A substance carl can be used even 0 for a baby powder ASK YOUR GROCER FOR tt T AND TAKE NO OTHER NEW AST FAST VM ame W aft B A SH LV st LOUIS A M lv 1200 AR naw YORK P M DAY an BOSTON P M for further information and a handsome illustrated booklet add address C S CRANE G Q P T A st louls lonia A TRAINING IN cleanliness IS A FORTUNE COMPLETE COMPLE ETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH 10 THE HENDRIE manufacturing AND SUPPLY COMPANY headquarters for corrugated iron roofing iron pipe heavy hardware hydraulic rams and centripetal pumps AND STREETS DENVER COLO the latest r J appliances tar for dairy delaver separators 1 I breathe torture damned epam with protruding piles brought on by constipation churns with th which I 1 was for twenty butter workers years 7 1 I ran acro across ss your in the printers town of 01 newell I 1 la and never neter found anything to equa equal the them today to day I 1 am entirely tree fr tron parchment paper piles es ana feel uke like a new man and reids G B kirn 1411 jones st sioux city shipping boxes send for cato CANDY logue and prices price CATHARTIC THE CO 11 sa blake blaka st edff not am CURE YOURSELF use die big 0 for of is a or le rUona s eulals sul als of W bacou macou u c 0 u a membranes sat n bablo potent I 1 taste oooo do md and not good eiterer sicken n weaken or aft a 1 adim sent cent or po va lonon isono CURE constipation sold by awn amso awve chests anoush sow tart M or amt eat ta in tuba ewt or ass ra BO NO TO BAG S ad to d b harng ant oa IF le glesias write sias to FOR PENSION PENSIONS DOUBLE a QUICK ul D CL they m ua will quick replies B sot K H vey vol write CAPT pension agent pi claim since ince sla 1425 1429 now new venne washington D DC Q I 1 e c ss denver D directory of HARMESS the best SM 30 double concord har no ness in colorado for ana ua with breacht bre breeching echt tak I 1 X double teara team harness with breech in ing US 16 25 5 steel horn stock saddle for S US S single angla buggy harness lor for sam do not be deceived by worthless ImItations but order direct from us and set get the lowest wholesale esala 11 R B prices races Catal catalogue free AU all goods stamped stamp FRED MUEI LER 1413 1423 larimer st denver Colo colorado GOODS SENT FOR examination talt THE TENT f AND AWNING GO CO 0 abin AJ d C ra S PATENT V I 1 I 1 1640 arapahoe Arp ahoe street streek SEALS RUBBER 5 E corkra mag co 1418 lawrence fit P a 0 box it STI SILK ak ELASTIC stockings made by us as send for blank the J durbin surgical and den dental ua 8 supply company lus cartr street now near fit james hautal Tf ii all makes 10 up L I 1 etc ua I 1 F dg denver sr COLA st near union OXFORD HOTEL depot strictly atri firsa C class popular bricea A MORSE WAGON COVERS to LENTS Puring sou A co VW I 1 lA lafinier rinier street denver denter catalogue free electrical APPARATUS all and kinds LOMAX denver denter co coto GROCERIES anything you yoa want on earth hipped shipped C 0 D price ut list trw free consumers sum rs wholesale house latti and blake su INTER OCEAN HOTEL amer 4 blake ats zuro n plan soc rac and 1 I per day go geo N stein prop on and new FURNITURE PIANOS U BS B S stoves stores etc atone at one fourth original cost write or call ward auction co 1772 arapahoe st ENVER SCHOOL OF MINES DENVER formerly miners assay office prot V F L J stanton 1618 ciampa att assay ww ranted correct and prompt returns return made assay inq taunt for ts int in to weeks assay for fold aad suver ilter we send for ore sacks backs and toll full price list E E BURLIN GArIES ASSAY OFFICE and aar laboratory chiu established in colorado 1366 samples by mall mail or cypress will receive prompt and cameral attention GOLD COLD AND SILVER BULLION refined melted and assayed or address I 1 its M and 1 1733 M lawrence st 81 denver dearer colo IRRIGATED LANDS GARDEN OF COLORADO NEAR DENVER AND GREELEY low prices long credit apply THE HE PLATTE LAND CO 1750 S rimer st JD denter enver colorado DENVER PUBLIC SAMPLING WORKS M E purrm ORES SOLO SOLD ON THE MARKET denver colo the davis safety brake HORSE HOISTER und fog provided with a patent A AUTOMATIC SAFETY BRAKE A holding the load at any point THE V F M 1 dafes ROS IBM CO mau doter colo COIL 1 WORTH of second hand Na machinery chinery at less than half haff price this machinery was taken by a denver lenrer bank for debt and our instructions instruct iona are to get their thal money out of it as quickly as possible it will be overhauled and re fitted before it is shipped and aaran teed to be as represented by us the lo 10 following affo owing v is only a partial list arito us as lust just what you TOU are look in g for I 1 double en desaine i c coal hoist I 1 gato double engine M ai hoist out 1 double doable engine hoist I 1 double engine hoist 1 one horse whim 2 five stamp mills 1 teri tea stamp mill I 1 houland 5 ft I 1 blake crusher ore feeders 4 perfection tables 2 20 hp bp westinghouse honse atene ene inea 2 bp automatic imen 1 engine 1 engine I 1 engine 1 engine caffine eaf fine 1 S h bp engine and boiler I 1 6 hp locomotive ti boil boiler 1 20 bp P locomotive boiler 1 10 hp P vertical boiler I 1 I 1 aap P te vertical boiler 1 80 bp horizontal tubular bolee bojer I 1 SO 50 b h p horizontal tubular boiler 2 mh 80 hp horizontal tubular boiler IL I leffel water wheel 1 minch inch leffel water wheel 10 36 in x 10 20 ft air ah pressure tanks several pumps au alt sizes lizes and kinds with toola pipe ope fittings pulley belts and hundred ot orm other things thing which we can not enumerate hen hare the thea I 1 I 1 H montgomery mach CL co am 1216 30 curtis st COW COLO |