Show Examinations Announced Civil lot Service Commission Starts Active Recruiting Campaign Washington ton I 1 C. C April 14 1927 The United States Civil Service Commission Com Com- mission minion today launched its Ils countrywide countrywide country country- countrywide wide campaign to recruit for or the positions In the Bureau cl of r lohl Prohibition which were wro classified under the civil l service law by the Act of March 3 1927 The Comma Comma- slon aion announced open competitive examinations for the following positions 1 Chief of field leM division at nt a year yar 5 Ii Prohibition zone supervisors at nt a n year ear 2 21 t Prohibition administrators at 1000 to a n year year 24 2 As Assistant l tant prohibition administrators adminis enforcement at to a year 24 21 Assistant prohibition permissive work at to a year 50 Deputy prohibition administrators adminis at nt to a year 2 Field 1 office Inspectors at a S year 4 f Associate field office Inspectors at to a n year 18 Senior prohibition tors tore at a n year 10 OJ J prohibition investigators at a u year 83 53 Junior prohibition Investigators tors at 2400 a n year Prohibition agents at 2100 2400 a year 1260 Junior prohibition prohibition agents nt lit 18 1860 0 a year Warehouse watchmen at 1140 to 1 1800 a year 74 N Attorneys at 1800 1860 16 th a sa year The Civil Service Commission states tates that the tho examinations examination will be bo practical each kind specially de- de tors below the tho senior grade those for fitness of the applicants to perform the particular branch of the work for which that kind of examination is ia held The The examinations for investigators tors below the senior grade tose lose for gents agents of all aU grades and those for warehouse watchmen will require the assembling of competitors In examination examination examination ex ex- rooms for written mental tests teats These will be given in approxImately approximately GOO cities throughout the country The other examinations listed listed list list- ed 00 do not include written mental t tests in examination rooms All AU of of the tho examinations will Include in include In In- clude elude ratings on training and experience ence a searching oral test and a Tight imputation made by the Civil Service Commission with the assistance of other Government agencies In order to give the oral tests testa it will ill be necessary for the Commission to send or to interview i applicants in various parts of the country The character investigations Will Trill 1 be 10 e made n with the tho most p painstaking k- k ing IlIg care rare Because of these two features features features fea fea- tures of the examinations the testing testing testing test test- ing of applicants for the 2500 newl newly newly- classified positions under the Bureau Dureau of Prohibition is one of the largest single lingle tasks ever undertaken by the Commission Fingerprints will be made of all aU applicants who attain eligible rat rat- ings These will be bo used to check the accuracy of or the applicants' applicants statements state state- ments as to arrest indictment or conviction for crime or misdemeanor The Civil Service Commission feels that any person who i. i is worthy of appointment aN to a position under the Bureau of Prohibition will willI not object object object ob ob- to the most searching Investigation investigation gation into his past life The The- act bringing these positions into the competitive classified service service service ser ser- vice provides that those now employed employed em em- who are not appointed in accordance accordance accordance ac ac- with the civil service law must n compete with others in examinations examinations if they wish to have an opportunity opportunity op op- to retain their positions Copies Copies' of the examination announcements announcements an nn- and application blanks may be obtained from the United I States Civil Service Commission Washington D. D C. C or from the secretary secretary sec sec- of the local board of civil serice service service ser ser- vice ice examiners at the postoffice in inthis inthis inthis this or any other city The examination examination examination announcements give gh-e detailed information regarding the scope of the examinations and the requirements requirements require require- ments for entrance thereto o es |