Show i fl t r a 1 e Livestock Li Tf i Situation v. v Los Angeles April 14 At this season of each ach year it seems proper to consider the approaching mark mark- cling eting period for grass cattle Indications Indications Indica Indica- arc that grass cattle will be Lc somewhat later than usual this year This isn't due to tho the fact that they will not be ready to move but rather to the tendency on tho the part of producers producers pro pro- to hold their cattle as us long longi i as ns po possible on account of the scarcity o of feeder stock to replace their pres I ent cut holdings Also many are desk 1 ous of taking advantage of the good feed which is available and will endeavor endeavor en en- deavor to put on nil all possible weight rather than marketing them when fat and in the proper condition As has been amply demonstrated in years past it is the course of wis wis- dom doin to let the grass cattle come to market when they are in good flesh and condition and not to hold them v in the hope of putting on more weight or of securing better prices When this course is followed the danger danger dani dan- dan i ger is that too many cattle are likely jl to be ready at the same time later Int in inthe inthe t the season Beason and there is always the I i possibility of demoralizing prices by following this practice The longer 1 the marketing period is spread out outI I I the more satisfactory are likely to be tho the returns so the advice still appears appears' appears appears' ap ap- pears pears pears' good to ship when ready Even at this early date It tt is practical practical In many grass producing sections sections sec sec- to start to top out the better cattle and allow them to move to market and then continue this process process pro pro- cess throughout the season Up to the present time the practice practice practice tice of holding back grass cattle when they are in condition to market market mar mar- ket awaiting problematic Improvements Improvements Improve Improve- ments in price levels or increased weight has worked a hardship rather than a bene benefit tit for the tho producer as when the grass cattle are not allowed to move in their natural volume other other oth oth- er classes of livestock come in and fill till the gap and take advantage of stronger prices created by the lessened lessened les les- grass cattle movement Then eventually when the grass cattle are forced to move they move in such a large volume due to tho the short period left for the operation that oversupplies result with depressed depress depress- ed prices There is no necessity for a situation situation situation situa situa- tion such as the above if the custom is followed of allowing the flow floY of grass cattle to come to the market in a natural way spreading out the I season to the greatest natural le length M |