Show V AN ORDINANCE 10 Amending section 27 of ot Chapter 17 of the Revised Ordinances of Cedar City Utah relating to Licenses I Be De it ordained by the City Council of Cedar City Utah That Section 27 of Chapter 17 of ot the tiro Revised Ordinances of ot Cedar City Utah bo ho and the same is s here by amended to read as follows Section 27 Application amount All applications for licenses as contemplated contemplated plated by the preceding sections shall state the number and kind of of- tables for the playing of billiard or pool to tobe tobe tobe be licensed and the place for keeping same Upon the filing of such applications and upon upon the payment Into the City Treasurer of the sum of for the first table for lor the second table and for forthe forthe the third table and for each additional table as shown by said application ap- ap application ap placation per annum l license cense shall be issued for lor such billiard or pool hall Semi annual licenses may be bo issued r on January let 1st and July 1st ht of ot each year All ordinances or parts ports of ordinances ordin erdin ances in conflict herewith are hereby I repealed This ordinance shall take effect upon up I on publication Passed by t the e City Council of Cedar I City Utah this day of April 1927 Seal f EUGENE I Mayor HERBERT P. P HAIGHT I City Recorder ra A |