Show I Work I Injustice i on Deserving Ghosts Ghost El Callous and unbelieving Is s a 1 little tittle correspondence In InI n I con COD Lr on Christian ghosts ghost II haL ha has hasan ha ry L an assurance that It ra fe per pernay to distinguish between n II nay and a n mere ghost host L have hare to do U III to squint at a poo If It the poor ghost Is II here ere the distortion of the line cause It to be seen dou- dou I will icons hat of at If the app apparition remains M after niter this treatment It Is U Cat at It Is really an hallucination and not something which the percipient habit habit of ot pulling ugly faces atay atay at atLay Lay ay be perfectly good ghosts irking on and deserving desel in every If t f the words wards will be deprecated and right thinking right hu hu- Ithe the Manchester U I Eng n ng Guar Guar- Moreover the choice in n a a double ghost and ond n single lt Bes es ea not the possibilities his har harsh h te tr test t t. t The apparition ve VI on an eldritch shriek and van vann Ian nn an awn away And what hat will wilt that I Simply Simp that the experimenter Minted so M vilely nt at the tte visitor IP e has frightened the poor thing thine Its wits melts |