Show 0 oe ya w taa v A jl r auson r i X R politicians 13 of all kinds can find at za C a mi M so ia the best assortment of general genera 1 merchandise an i and at prices to suit salt the T times M es GENTS CLOTHING aud and GENERAL furnishing LADIES DRESS GOODS NOTIONS WRAPS HATS and FOOTWEAR GROCERIES first class in immense variety staple or fancy you cannot go wrong and a little T G WEBBER sv money goes a long way now THURMAN WEDGEWOOD first national bank building PROVO UTAH WIRNER WARNER KNIGHT 7 tt oms union umon block UTAH SAMUEL A KINGI KING first national bank building UTAH E A WILSON gj tomy first national bank building UTAH A 1 D GASH ottowy gt towy first national bank building BuU Buil diug UTAH POWERS p STRAW AND LIPPMAN LIPP MAN attorneys and counselors EAGLE BLOCK SALT LAKE cl CITY A IT J W CHERRY CHEBBY 01 bmw RY CHERRY LAWYERS 9 rooms 0 9 sud ana 10 walker bros bank SAIT LAKE L CHAR CHARLES charledda LESda H BAST 10 Nafi aw S 7 LOGA N UTAH ff y ly JA w 7 djs i Js 77 ATAW aad bloc 3 00 t o 0 5 city za salt lake cleaning company PAUL proprietor clothes cleaned and pressed at t 85 95 cents per mouth month pants pressed Pres seti 25 cents pants dyed 1 I 1 ladier clothes cleaned and dyed in al its branches repairing g n batir done new clothes made for old ones south main street under st elmo ehno talk and you are bound to mention ours it its s a timely topic that the two young men are an da discussing ida and in m salt lake city the racist mog Z Z practical alway way to treat the matter is a to look oscr k our stock and see just what we have hare to show thes neat stylish dressy handsome and durable these points with the perfect fits we always give ft make our clothing always fine here are am pric prices as cb charming arming as a smile from your aft bacsi t girt girl mens men s good cotton suit mens good working suit mens first class suits mack black blue and G GT gray T 75 7 ae merls mens business grinew suits alts buck black and da dale dak k shades 1000 men s fine suits for bus business ineis or dress ji all colors colon 1200 xa oo 00 mens fine drew dress suits imported goods 15 oe is P I 1 r gar er maha ma m street ta rc r c fl G tty 7 27 manufacturer of spore be water ices 1 ce V aa and ft H homemade home 0 me made rick breas vind ancL c akes CaKes aea 6 MAIN JAM ST SALT ALT LAKE CITY t PS V 1411 r ittia painting adf aa wark TINGS FOR SALE v aK 11 iby 1 my F k as fc a i i axa pr aw miep st L axa axy V 6 sctt |