Show J 3 W taylor who so concon OPU a under alie birst national bank k now enow run cwi b by y bmartin rt browm js now located oca at we like chiv 1 is E editor f ua T e e campaign capt BROAD pk of I 1 before fori a J I 1 loris makin z in in gaTed cited hot or ther dead democracy c r a c yu nd and statehood ina yand 44 ta abe right M IL in it rs taylor is art and iia fainting n and aid ei r many any old time me friendson friend sin North 0 Dakota ota will rill V teabie be Cp leased ea to 1 learn eara 0 their p prosperity an and sue suc cess ap fargo rg ODail daily kF forum uch and re be an 0 13 1895 t thle above b ove notice I 1 is a one of the many mabby kind recognitions recognition ng tafe ane BROAD alas ax is the recipient of They cheer alie heart anti and brighten ahe pathway ily of life in our toils and struggles major A W edwards the I 1 editor 0 the above piper japper is is a j gallant i g gentleman nf leman and anc lal always ways was a kind and cl friend to the editor odthe ottoa D ax ak it was wa through W himmat we were made acquainted with sa sen n aitor or john M palmer of pliz illinois ibis the tiie latter being a 4 Tela relative tiVe of maj or wards this 7 kind in and d notice coming from I 1 our old home makes us feel that aur our old frends and neighbors neigh bors have not forgo ten us even when so far away tp IP yo you u to vote te for a republican ican for th the legislature corej louwill you will be indirect ly voting 6 t i n gr SO for some one to Te represent present U utah in ie t ie U S senate an and d the oni knows who he she or it may be it may be a califor S lianor nian or a aa etonian nian the republicans dont doni believe in allowing the people I 1 i 1 to have much to say in in regard begard to th el e c t ion of senators the D e ofra believe pe q ale should have haie th the e selection of all ali our law makers mak ers IT phe he difference between th etwo parties t ties is quite A manifest in iv 1 this regard jr |