Show rbra conr buier 1 ct s lie president cleveland and aseere seer e ary 7 7 no secured a more jbf of jiff affairs airs than the expressions expression s 0 af pf o prominent ent Rp republican publican newspapers and anacon congressmen have brought had personally had charge of the arrangements themselves these republicans have publicly put then parta on an rec record and when hen sarty ent cleveland lenas a special mesa asage 9 e to congress as he will do shortly dorily after it assembles setting porth orth the demands he has made lupon pon great britain to recognize the monroe doctrine and accompanying it with great britaina Brit ains answers thereto concerning its claims in venezuela the republicans cannot without stultifying themselves hold up their hands hand in holy horror and cry jingoism i they will be comi polled to en endorse dore the Fre presidents t position simply because their previous utterances will have left them nothing else ehe to do there is nothing new in the diplomatic win complication with great britain butth but there ereis is reason to be lieve liev ahat ehat there will be this week as great britaina Brit ains answer to secre 1 tary last dispatch stating the position of this government and ita Intention to stand by the monroe doctrine is daily expected upon the th e nat nature ure of this answer the next move of this government will depend although a specific an sr was asked fori for it is regarded as probable that it will not be rei even had great britain I 1 fully determined a week ago to fo 1 positively deny the right of the thea i united states stales to interfere under the monroe doctrine with its affairs in venezuela it would not dp do so now thie the deal that ahac russia has made with china hat has given great britain something more important to ilo do than ap to quarrel q barrel with this country british commercial comm ial supremacy is at take in the east and for that reason it i is s believed that the answer will be a di diplomatic p somatic one that will leave the question open until john bull basmore time to give to it ft the rather silly report that harrison and quay h had ad maile made friends and tha tithe ter is going to take charge odthe formers boom found no belie believers ve rii s m but it served tp bang 0 put several ut several good if w s stories t gries concerning similar M t h C past lots of peo bahat du during ri ng the latter part paa 61 agn in 1892 at about abou tt theotime lime the Harrison Harrisom ticket struck A the e toboggan boss gvay weini went to new york and abathe the papers were we re full of fories about his fearing become e te reconciled ed with 11 aMso ia nd gi oi p ftp su carter C ar who wh ahad asch airmaiL U M R n ozithe i he A C f Ahel cam fat fa rashia ow narty col i ucb ed 01 ail agphia d e lp hi a ame me Quan gNem w yo york rk I 1 an and d bain being g jan old hal fri friend d asked iea aim M in whether ther ewas AV truth dij th the e story I 1 quay replied othora c na ot f wora ril rift tell aim w z 1 y ar A heard rd that th a lehere li here some ome 6 dan danger ger of hara Harr harridon iron sou i elea ajo I 1 merea ap here to b t eit ei t e truth kb tuf ance 16 chathan ither appear mart ile A ta laws v 9 s tion thada thaua tai snowbird 9 n LI 7 ow deturi to T ah to elect 9 r ug tb e liesk lIT SK te rf tite t 3 vi lt t rt u wy V y cv a 1 F yar B w sa tf i J been baade very atea to those ak who V a f acsa sa yi t tes fwu OV 9 B S ass ayi i yi A yc 5 r g 1 s know the inside iiii ide fraak when a 9 i eme i iii N aw city ta upon the date f Z 7 j which n atie time me a and p place 1 l aab for foi hoi holding aing the national conven tion af the party harrison had a confidential representative ve on the ground roand adis to entertain doubts of cli chairman andea carters aers friendship for liim others othera are certain that carter has has joined the combine against him in the person of W S makeen McKeen 3 the railroad man inan to find a oui ont the full strength of the coin combine bine a against galus dinst him he also has an agent ex gov Saunders whose daughter ai esthe ahe wife irae of prince buss ause in 16 a ba th trying 0 1 tb o 11 ar 1 range for delegates to the rational convention s Secretaries Carlisle ana ia TO i have hate been to homes and registered and th they e j ao W i vote the ticket t on election day president cieve ve land iana did not regi register spouse que aid i he will have md no V voted ote secretary carlisle says kentucky killgo will go democratic although the may he be smaller than usual senator gorman german after having carefully gone over returns made by trusty democrats in every election precinct in Maryland says there i ant 4 the st ettli of the state re 1 I maich athe de m socratic ocra tic J the persuade democrats P faithe for the fr goad rn i 0 r and the rest of state ti cletas is todi too catch many the nearer the op opening i g 0 f ah the session of congress Con gresa gets geta the more apparent itlie it becomes coines t that the fight gh which a nu number m ber of republican members are making for the chair man mans ships hipa of the most I 1 important I 1 committees may develop Z some rather dangerous obstacles in the path of the reed presidential prebi id boom |