Show DO YOUR WHOLE DUTY NEXT tuesday nov 5 1894 will bean be an eventful day for utah it will be the battle ground of a contest of ballots and not only willi will all the people of this fair commonwealth I 1 wait the result with intense interest but the eyes of the whole nation will watch the termination of the struggle with deep concern utah is a name of f histrionic his importance throughout the civilized world aad a change in her situation will be marked by all observers we as a people are about to secure the birthright of statehood and by our vote determine the policy of the new state government As tuis thiis will be the last issue of the BROAD ax prior to the election we desire to briefly sum up the case before submitting it to the decision of the people one thin thing all must mast feel gratified over and that is this campaign has been fought with an absence of personalities the voters can act freely from pure pare motives and as to the preference of those to rule role over us can be and should be i decided upon the principles they represent and their qualifications the principles of the leading parties are pretty well understood and need not be reiterated here As aa to the candidates for the various offices we claim the democratic party have given the people a splendid ticket to support john T caine for governor is a broadminded brainy man of large experience peri ence in public affairs in in utah and if elected will make a model governor on the other hand hana mr wells may be a pleasant gentleman but he is a young youn man without any experience in public matters and it would be a dangerous experiment to entrust the ship of statue state to an inexperienced pilot hon B H roberts is so much the superior of C E allen alien that a comparison seems odious roberts is brilliant genial and honest to the core while allen alien is dull haughty and belongs to the ward politician scho school oLl let us make no mistake in this important office roberts roberta should represent utah in congress by all means As to the balance of the state ticket the personnel of a the e nominees i is far above ove that of the ai ti MIC au fitness forthe various vari 11 it comes ee the ju bothfur both for 0 the th e supreme and t d is 61 judges c y if tv t V sassa SaS Sf ys y S to benyr 0 ii f met cju S owl J 0 T neither worn out men nor young upstarts up starts who have had no practice or experience before the courts do not blot the fair name of utah by electing such men as republican nominees in this district if the people of utah des desire ire such typical americans americana as J L rawlins and moses thatcher to ta go to the i U S senate then vote for all the democratic candidates for the legislature should the republicans elect the legislature the chances are that ike trumbo and his barrel would be one of the senators and such an accident would cause all good people of the new state to hang their heads in shame done in the city hobos and strangers from abroad will be imported to do it the motto of the democrats is ia salt lake workmen for salt lake work therefore be sure and vote for the entire democratic city ticket and thus vote for your own interest and benefit pay no attention to any rumor or circular that may appear on the day of election such things are invariably untrue and are put out simply to deceive voters if the democracy and the better class of republicans will pull together and vote their honest sentiments november ath will be a day of victory for honest government and reform let eve every man do his duty mi 4 g MR im lev M U 1 22 tz 1 1 tak I 1 ZA FRANCIS ARMSTRONG THE NEXT MAYOR OF SALT LARN with reference to the city ticket it is a question of both men and measures As a man prank frank armstrong asa as a mayor is a giant in comparison with the pigmy glendinning 7 and as tx to the measures or policy poli y which will most likely he be pursued by each it is to the decided interest 9 I 1 the laboring 1 A I 1 men 11 jai detect iia the IEL idu entire e ailt ehe alii t ES I 1 me 3 i a 1 i bli c au eitra iff ava vagan i A S i 1 S ive that A it h aa become sars w r j a time of S e t X city tygo erat kis wit S yi t A 5 A U for i jt t 1 1 V ta aAss 3 a rf ka is goibe f A A W ISSA 7 e 4 ip 00 4 A ty lyts 5 i nsf T w ee 5 v fa it tf r sp se s e y bibis aitt ta |