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Show Principal Vnuc-.' report, ivj read at the ci-ei.ia: exercises .it t!ic Academy yc.-tcrday, will appear in full in our iicxt issue. We are pleased to add to our exchange ex-change Jis-t the i-l'ithrml Journal, published ;it Dcmeivi)e, Mont ,by ll'tutz and Kiplingcr. It is a bright, newsy sheet, only a few months uf age. li. M. Yuung has returned from Logan. Ifis services at the Opera House are in demand at prtsent. He has charge of the scenery, properties, prop-erties, etc. Mr. Young its a good i : on f Hi. .in B:EF3. Gacj- Lee I .Ncwi SUcms Cut , I iKWD to Please. ! I "7 lu- iir.iken Vow" again tjnight. j Hub.-criije f.,r and advertise in Til!. UiGLLK. i D.jn't overlook the supplement ' with this issue. A dose of lemon juice iu a cup ; of collec cures headache. I A preacher with the big head id a man the devil loves to louk at. Lii.d'.iy, the tragedian, at the Opera ibmse n it Monday night. ; F. Y. La Frentz is the new I manner uf the Hot Springs resort. Don't uverlook Postmaster I Bouthe'o dead letter list in this i issue. j A babe of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo ' Joitps .li died at b.rtli one day this 1 weuit. The. neat house programs dis-i dis-i tributed last evening attracted cuii-i cuii-i aidjrable notice. , : Henry Wight is down from Oreg .ii this weeic vUttiug liid. parents and friends, j ! To stop the bleedingof n injured aniiiial, put dry manure on tlu . parts cut ur lac-rated. j I Mrs. Abigal lioscubaum is having hav-ing some improvements ma-ae at L-.-r sU-lc. rebKtoucc. hand at anyliii:: of this kind. A party ,f ladus and gcnt!uinii: fr.Jin Salt Lake will amvu on the iiwon train t. d iy, t attend the th'-ativ t 'iiiyht. Among the 1111111-ber 1111111-ber art- .Mid Ma:nie hitn-,y, Mii-H Lute Whitney. Miss Penrose and Ciaric Wliituey. There in a substantia! m'vc on fuot at La Plata tj unite five u( the leading claims under nne etror.g corporation. Iftliis is done, 1 there will h;- a company organized t ' .which will rival the enrp ration i j which now covers the 'Sundown" and "'La Plata" claims. I The petition t. have tlie name ! of our (M.-tnk'e changed from "Box Elder'' bacV: U the fanner! name, l'.r;glunn C'ty. is n.ov going tin rounds. There v. ili not be twenty fat f o;:r popuhtti n of 3.0DU who will t-A'cbq t- bh.oi it. Two hnitvlird teachers arc neeited j at once in .vew Mexico, ".sch.jol ma'ams" bel.:g preferred. I'rof. L.-e-bicy of Salt Lake erpc;a to i:;ove 10 L-igham and wiil taKe cnar-j ul me orcnostra lac-re. lioilhe & Peirec, Coal nn rchant-;, i are building new ah-cln and repair- j ing their old oius at the depjt. I If the hand.- are rubb.d with a stick of ceh-ry after peeling onions, the smell will be entirely removed. The S. L. St ick Ezc.kaay.j Jnariuu has biodsonied out greatly enlargca a.id improved. Gooal glad to see h. The II t Springs and the nine miles of railwiiy Cvinnecting it witli Ogden were sid for ifw.UXJ last ,'.'jc!-:. Many ditches were not properly cleaned when the water e, as turned out of the Citv a sh irt time ago. ii(.w? NT nv th-- we have an elegant new op.'ra house, Brighaui (Jity is being ah jwcred with theatrical at-tractior.s. it s.cuis t Liie-'t eerrv ones wishes. Abnortt every day wc veoi vc nuunrus f:-.v.'.ra!dc commects on the n at and artistic jo! work being turned out by Tuk lii o.-eu J'-b iJepartm.'i.t. Kor g Jod work and reas -nable figuivs, we claim ; wc cannot b Htirp:is3ed anywl.erc. Try us. John S. Lindsay, in one of his master roles, Jerry Wesion, will j likely ciruw out a big housj next Monday night. Mr. Lindsay has a very good " company aboard this gfcaso.i. The people should all see u tan's favorite tragedian at his best. The ''Humming Bird" nui.e. bleated bl-eated about a mile west of La Plain, is sh iwiug up iinely. A premising vein of car bo tate was struck last week. Y. II B.uthe, J. W. Walker at id Mr. Christ'-nsen are tlie wv.'iu rs. Tuesday Jose-oh Holland -f Three Mile Creek c:iine in, identiti.-d atid S'. ciired the purse of m oi' y advertised adver-tised iu our last issue. Put a huie u .tiee, or an ad. in The il. glek and you get your man or your money every time. Among the three postoliiecB in the Tcrri.ory deserving special mention by tne head department ai Washing: oa, Brigham Ciiy was found. Tiiat is one good one fur us. Pos anaa.er iioouie ougiiL to wear a plug nat hereof ;er. I Of course our old stand-by, A.I liaird, is oac more tending tne j street lamps and guarding tne business busi-ness houses by night. Some greedy fellow would likely stai toe waolc t town away some uarii, murky nigut if Alex, wasn't prowling around witn a trusty revolver; a peeled eye and a brace of big dogs. The Landick boy that Mr. Gilles-! Gilles-! pie gave a smart thrashing a snort ' vime ago, came back Tuesday; i begged the gentleman's pardon for ; baa conduct and impudent j language and asked to be t,aken buck to' school. The boy was I promptly forgiven and restored to j his place in school again. ' Brighaui City's m-w Opera House will cmfrt:ibiy seat 6uHJ people. There arc few larger theatres iu the Territory. Always read tho newspapers; th.:y ar, c impared with books, what machinery is compared v.-.tlb-hand 'labor. The trains have changed time again. It is hard work to kocp track of them, they tiop tiboutso irregularly of late. The man who d es not r.-ad th.'s: das is a mighty ignorant bill ov, and is hnrdly worth wasting wast-ing any time. with. I To ucivspj. per men. For sale, anti-col. Washington Hand press, in rirst-class c mditioii. Apply t" Tti-o li. ei;.:-:u ollice. j L. Snow, Jr's.. prominint; ye1 r- I ling e-h, K ckfurd, was entered in j the 'i mile race at Ogden. He caoie out, third )est. 1 Miss Maud Rjsenbaum has dis-Coiitihiicd dis-Coiitihiicd her stiidii-s at the Logan Cdiege and returned to Brighaui W. A. Raxt m of O.uaha has i purchased the Hot Springs res : i t. j situated io B x E!d-r e ainty. tu'el ve miles s iiith of iirigham. M . ' IJaxt oi is a man of eapit il and cv , p riCL;ce. He intend- making tlie tb t Springs oi-c ;.f the givaU-t r.--s 'its in the West. We w ish liim every soccess p issiljle. Squirts and Munroe announce tiie opening of a museum of the implements im-plements of torture and death ustni by various countries in the middle ages during the persecutions of the Spaniards, the French reign of Terror Ter-ror and other bloody times in Ids-lory. Ids-lory. The enterprising siiowm- n have taken the store at Xo. '. 4 Washington avenue, and a visit revealed, re-vealed, a soni bi r eo 1 lec 1 io n of aneiem horrors. Ogdcn Stn-itctl. Sum we will have the harvest oi'on l-okijig d iwn upon th's fruitf ; land. Th-- harvest m on is neivt in imp' rtabce t- the liom y noon The yo:i. hrid.a nd :irj mires m st the honovm "Oi. but biter on when he bee nies a husband hus-band the bar. est in vm p.-sscsses prater ;ittr:icti ois f r him. The !i -neym n f r I- ve and r iiKinee, but the harv"st in ;mi for grob aod substance. Vx. on account of ill health. K cp your eye on T.u: Cao-.Kti. We're ab ut t make a bitf ch iih-p in the way of improvement. Wc are ie iiher de id nor si 'eping. J. J-u'. )bsp:i, of the merchandise (inn 1 f Jae lien and Ciiuht, Butte, hia b en in town this week vieitii g Irs in:iny old friends and acqLiaint-a.ieey. acqLiaint-a.ieey. I)n:i. Little Vo.;o. hiiii of Mr. a nil Mrs. I). .). Mor-an. Died Oct. I "'th, l.i!M nfeh.lera infantum and typh dd paeum niia. Av sixteen lIl'MltilS. Kre lonir, hoary hejided old Vi'int' r will shake bis snowy lo.-k-ver oer fair L-.ty. sprinkling it ith a rich, lb ocv covering of the beautiful. Tlie bijh winds of tbo past week remind us that, this is a go, d tinu ; t iv ivrtain the ash barrel d es j not taxe lire and illuminate tin : heihb. irhood. I S me fellow in Now York j writing west that he will exchange ; ID.OiiU .-fan excellent counter!", it ar en baek f -r onlv (6V. cash. lv.ri ;;et -Int." Onr soaeo was so overerowfled fh.-it we w-,iv obliged t print a in-', live snnplemci.t this issue. H.-r l!ie full report of Conference ptv-ee. ptv-ee. di there Ul. Some of our iVuil-.'rycrs : robot ino riKir p aelx.-- for 'adv..ius in ti;e M soiit miserably low prices. An aiicmn'., at lest, siiould be ; made to raise the prevailing prices. Children'; matinee at sharp at i lie Opera Umse this aft era. mu. Tii liroken Vow" will h-'M-eso-.letl a:rai;i I--night. All wh Miled. t : att.-.ul !at evening will of e.irse -eiMre ti. kets f -r t tiiiglit. A g d iv.nny yo ;,le nre coinp! v-ii v-ii ) wiih tiie n.'w rdiiunce bv '"rie.r up ,-r putting ho-es i'.i ttv' re- wl: , :ire n,.t. This mt-tir mt-tir r:i -il-l he strie'Jv euf re.l. th (:ty has a br. ke.i J.-g , r r,v, t C eupl.iiht b eu -;;.:.!-. M 1' rt I'ridav i.i .-ut m ;'s d:-t':rh. I :. IVljnU." I) .; j" r;;i-..; j.;. . i: the bu'de w. u.'.d r. f ,se t Ii ive 1 uy thine ..hat-vpr t . d - v.itb th.e ve iug men whs , U : -eed them j -.-Iv by t-" 1 much H pi r. it would 1 ha vi? C;e d .dred o;f. rt. A h'vi j |