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Show It seems that the Utah editors are "strictly in it" this year. Why, down in the enlightened county of Sanpete, the granary of the Terri-tcry, Terri-tcry, A. B. Williams, editor of the Mt. Pleasant Pyramid; M. T. Murray, Mur-ray, editor of the Enhraim Enter-! Enter-! prise and Ward Stevensen, editor 'oftheManti Sentinel, have been I made registrars in their respective I towns. And this week comes ! the news that Noble Warrtim, : e d i t o r of the Logan Journal, has been appointed Probate Pro-bate Judge of Cache County. The Bugler takes great pleasure in congratulating con-gratulating our brothers of the quill on their various appointments. As a rule, a man who has a sufficiency suffi-ciency of the mixture of gall and sand required to tackle a country newspaper, is eminently qualified to hold down almost any other job on earth. |