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Show It CiiwIm Von iittiiii(F. It is with pleasure we announce that we have made arrangements with that popular illustrated magazine, ma-gazine, the Avwrimn Farvwr, published pub-lished at Cleveland. Ohio, and read by farmers in all parts of this country and Canada, by which that great publication will be mailed direct, FitKJ-:. to the address of any of our subscribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscriptions subscrip-tions and one year in advance from date, and to any new subscriber who will pay one year in advance This is a grand opportunity to obtain ob-tain a first-class farm journal free. The American Ffirnurr is a large M-pagc M-pagc illustrated journal, of national circulation, which ranks anvuig the leading agricultural papers. ! Its highest purpose is the elcva-! elcva-! ting and ennobling of agriculture ! through the higher and broader : education of men and women en- gaged in its pursuits. The regular i subscription price of the Amrrican i Farmer is $1.00 per year. It Costs '. Yor Xothiso. From any one number, ideas can be obtained that i will be worth thrice the subserip-! subserip-! tion juice to you or members nf 1 your household, ykt Yor ;kt it j fkkk. Call and see sample epin. i F ut Sa i.k. A bra n 1 1 new I K H I pound safe, cheap. Inquire at the t Hardware. |