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Show May Day at Deweyville. May Dny was celebrated in great stvle at Deweyville on tin- UUli. Tim following follow-ing pio.Mam was carried out: Singing, by the choir, frayer, by P. C. Love hi nT. Kinging. Kecilation, by Nathaniel Marble. Song, by Misses Lottie Dewev, Serilla Loveland, Orilla Boot he and Leu tit Hold-away. Hold-away. Kecitation, by Maggie Loveland. Song, hy four little girls. Heading, by Mrs. Mary Dewey. Song, by twelve t-Tnull girls. Dialogue, by N Marble nntl - .ni-inltv (-rHi-dner. Song, by Orinda Brun-son. Recitation, by W: V. Howard. Jr. "The Boatman," hy ten little gills. Kerirntion, by Louis Brnn-fun. Brnn-fun. Dialogue, by Louin Germcr and Let tie Dewey. Recitation, by M:uv Lindfay. Tho Queen was then crowned. Hie-hop J. C. Dewey made a few remarks re-marks and benediction was given by C. Hansen. |