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Show Nollee. in Creditor. Tkumtohy of I'TAir, COf.MY OF HoX Kl.OKll.l ' ' Eitnte of Hans Jensen, deceived. Notice lihciehv Riven hv the uiuhrMnned Administratrix Admin-istratrix of liiri e ttnle of 11 hi is Jensen, deceased, to tbo creditors of. mnl all ier-muv ier-muv huviiiji claim acuinst Hie- Mil i d.--('userl, to esMMi them iiilh (he neces-nry vouchers, within with-in four months tiller the llr-l pu hi lent ion of this notice, lo the said Administratrix, nt her resl drtjee In Mrfghum Uliv, li. the snid County of Hox Khler. MAKY V A l.KNTI N K, A' minl-lrrttrlx of the estate of liana Jensen, deeCNHcd. n.ited hi Hrifhiim Cllv, Mnv 13ih. 1HM. Johek A Junki, Attorney- lor AdiiUiitstnitrit. |