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Show The Jensen race course is being plowed up, leveled and hardened as j fast us this variable weather will I permit. There is no question hut : that we shall have a tine race track this time. Experts say it I will be a "darling." E. II. Jones, Kelton merchant, has bought out the entire business of T). Rosen baum, at Kelton. Hereafter, the new proprietor will assume all responsibilities and will conduct the business in his own name. It is gratifying to sec how much interest of late the fanners in this vicinity are taking in bettering the stock of their farm animals. A few years ago the thoroughbred was looked upon' with wondering admiration; now they are -almost ! as common as the old style cayuse. ' The "small pox house," east of i town, has been standing in disuse ! for so many years, that it is fast falling into a big pile of unattractive unattrac-tive worthlessness. The unavoidable unavoid-able finger of Time lias been placed upon it, bringing it low into the dust. The gooseberries are just about the right size nowvJte-njpt'"4he, hungry infant. Parents - should closely guard against their eating-too eating-too many, if any at all. The green berry often causes great and grie.v-' ous rebellions in the tender stomach. stom-ach. Quite a number of young people from town went down to the ilUtah Hot Springs," Sunday, to enjoy the open air concert given by Kent's expert Military Band. That was a big day for the Springs and the management deserve credit for their enterprising push. "Ten Nights in a Bar Room'' at CITY AND OTHER BRIEFS. A Racy I-ot of Ncwn Item Cut Down to Plrune. This is Decoration or Memorial day. Four prodnce stores in town now two exclusive. j Don't forget the theatre in the j Factory Hall tonight. i Salt Lake has base ball matches on Sundays. Quite metropolitan, eh? - Peter Peters is building a frame residence on his place at Three Mile Creek. What shall we do on the Fourth of July? It is not too early to begin be-gin stirring. J;;mes Christenacn is now assisting assist-ing J. R. f?muithvaite in bis pro-, duce business. Monday, a man in New York sneezed so hard that he broke a rib square off. All owners of dogs should give the Recorder's official notice in tins issue" a loving perusal. Con nty Superintendent of schools, Clark Hubbard, is visiting Ply? mouth schools this week. J. F. Erdmann is building a handsome frame residence on Main street in the Second ward. J. Johanson, the watchmaker, is working up a good practice at his office on south Main street. The Utah Democrat came out this week as a whooping bouncer. Essay Kaigh's foot and lingers arc ''in it," you see. Sunday a little boy was born to j the. wife of A. V. Compton. It! the Factory Hall tonight. All should attend. It is a Sunday School benefit and will be creditably credit-ably presented. For obvious reasons, rea-sons, the place of presentation was changed from the ward hall to the Factory. In Salt Lake a quart of questionably question-ably good milk will cost you eight cents; in Brigham City you can procure a whole gallon of the pure, unadulterated article for only fifteen fif-teen cents. Nearly everything else is proportionally good, pure, and cheap up here. ! Will the City Council have the shade trees all trimmed to a certain height? The matter was discussed at a recent session, but laid over. Trimming the trees, that skirt our sidewalks, to a uniform height J would materially help to beautify j our City, ond who is not for adding j every possible additional attraction? j This week County Clerk Peters tissued marriage licenses to Edward i Faulkner, City, age two sevens and Mary Neiville, of Salt Lake, age 67: also to Phineas Pierson. Plymouth, and Miss Agnes Archibald. Clark-, Clark-, ston, both cge twenty. The last two were made one right off. by Justice Math i as, who performed the ceremony. There is talk of connecting Malad City and Collinston by telephone. tele-phone. Some of the loquacious Maladians desire the proposed line extended to Brigham City. All who are overly anxious to have in arm talked off, s.iy ';aye." But the project is a deserving one, however. how-ever. Lo! our local wheelmen are apparently ap-parently much lifted up in the pride of their hearts and try exceedingly ex-ceedingly to make all kinds of scientific maneuvering on our great ! highways, in plain sight of the fail-daughters fail-daughters of Brigham City, presumably pre-sumably to thus stealthily storm their dear hearts with a mighty smite. Be a constant reader of The Bugler and you wont fall asleep and be left by the wayside. Quite often you hear Mr. So-and-so say he didn't know that, or hadn't heard of "this" meeting. The response re-sponse has as often come: ''Why, of course you havn't; you'r missing miss-ing things every day; you'r not up I to tho times; you don't read Tun BlClLEIt." The ears of a Brou-:n reporter , were given a tingle of pleasure, Wednesday, when, in the course of a street colloquy, he accidentally heard tho fol lowing sentence dropped from the lips of one of our ! most wide-awake and prosperous merchants: ,;A second-class show may come to town and by adver- ! Using extensively draw a large ' j house; but should a first-class show torn up without advertising, it will t draw a slim house everv nop." j lingered ofi until Tuesday, when it , died suddenly. ! "Win. E. Cole, one of the old-time I citizens of Willard, gave us a call j yesterday. Everything looks pros-j pros-j pcrous down that way. j The carpenter work on the Three Mile Creek school house is progress-; progress-; ing nicely. They will have a neat ! structure when completed. Decoration day, coming as it doeB on our press day, prevents our force turning out en masse to assist at the clearing of the cemetery. Wonder how it is it takes the prs'al carriers from two to three! ! days to carry The Blglers 2 1 j miles and distribute them. The District court, Monday, sen-'tenced sen-'tenced Xiek Smith to 60 days in I the Box Elder county jail for an assault at Terrace, with a knife. Vtt ! m-rsoiiHte the num originally ti 1m an examination for proinoti the Civil Semcu exnniiners, upon that examination the promoted tojt jj --tHI J"lfiUio-James J"lfiUio-James Sharp, Heber M. Wells, John Henry Smith and other He-: publicans call for clubs to be organized throughout the Territory. The congregation assembled at the Tabernacle Sunday was given ' befitting instructions by Bishop Wm. Necly and Patriarch Samuel Smith. Dr. Wade is adding a lot of shelves to the south side of the City Drug store apartment, for the re- ception of his increased drug j supply. i ; Peter E. Lundgreen has secured ! the contract for doing all the ! masonry work on O. (.!. Snow's 1 j residence, now in course of construction. con-struction. Lots of our friends are already bcginnin"g to drop in and pre-pay their subscriptions, so- they can secure the American Farmer for the j single price of The Bugler. Horsley's store is "going up" rapidly. The stone walls, with brick front, are now forming the second story and considerable carpenter work is being done. There is talk among some of our county stockmen of organizing a company for strength and mutual protection. No doubt such an organization would be a great benefit. bene-fit. The mountains are now covered with beautiful wild flowers; the wild berry hushes are white with snowy blossoms. Untamed nature is now in the zenith of her glory. Last evening a meeting of all the People's Party clubs of Salt Lake county was held to discuss the advisability' of dissolving the old party. The result will be watched with interest. In the District court, Monday, Sam Panguich and his confederate, Tosahdook, the Washakee temirs, were committed to the custody oi' the U. S. Marshal on a charge of assault with deadly weapons. L. Wt Sanders, the hoiv-eman, has t".i of our most promising steppers now in training. We have plenty of fast horse flesh here; the next great requisite, is a first-class race course, which is now assured. Foreman Jaeohsen whs unable to work Thursday on account of sickness, which rather throws us behind with a lot of promised job work. Our patrons will therefore kindly excuse this unavoidable ! brief delay. J The thousands of wide-spread-i ing locust trees of this City are j blossoming out beautifully. Chil- dren have been known to die from the e fleets of eating these fragrant blossoms, a fact which should be bvrne iu mind. No person should be permitted to obstruct the sidewalks by plac- ing down board platforms not on a : level with the walks. Most of our ! plank sidewalks are from one to six inches above the ground. On 'dark nights t h ey a re ex t r en i el y dangerous. Pedcstm ns are very I apt to stumble and break a leg or ' an arm; then a damage suit is in order. A lit tie sand will place things to rights. Let it be applied. ap-plied. In re-districting the Territory, i the Utah Commissioners made 1 Box Elder county the Second Itep- resentalivc di.-triet, to be entitled j to one Representative. The Third i Council district shall consist of Box i Elder county and Weber county, excepting the city of Ogden. and : shall be entitled to one Councilor. Thtit will jjive Box Elder county, ' with its.i.-.inhah;ia:ii-s.n s.-ruhhy (sh-iw one R. pi-'-rntative and a i ffasn for a Com.cik'r iu the next j Litdatur.'. |