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Show COMRADESHIP SPIRIT SHOWN Minnesota Veteran Receives Wallet Lost During War and Found by British Soldier. The spirit of comradeship between soldiers of the allied armies of the World war, as demonstrated by the formation of the Interallied Veterans' association, of which the American Legion is n member body, has been shown In n number of instances. One of the most Interesting examples exam-ples of this friendly feeling between comrades was revealed in the finding "ffif" the personal wallet of Francis E. Ellis a veteran of St. James, Minn., by Bert Gocke of London, a former British soldier. Ellis served with Co. M., Moth In-fantry, In-fantry, toward the close of the war mid was moving up with his company vlien the Germans were turning back through Belgium. lie lost bis wallet, together with his registration card and other personal memoranda on the trip. Recently be received a letter from Bert Goeke, under a London date line. The note read : "I am sending you this wallet which I believe to be your property. I trust it finds you alive and in the best of health nfter the terrible strife we have been through. "I don't know If you recollect traveling travel-ing in some box cars through Belgium In the latter end of 101S. I, myself, beiug wounded on the Ypres front, was, after a week or two, discharged from a dressing station and posted as a temporary guard on Ylamuetinghe siding, where your train was unloaded. On finding your wallet, it has been my ambition since to forward it to you. I am inclosing a photo of myself. Possibly you saw me wliile your regiment regi-ment was passing my post. . . . Trusting you will drop me a line, I am, yours sincerely, Bert Gocke." |