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Show MFOR' AMERICANS France Establishes Summer Conservatory Con-servatory in Palace of Fontainebieau. SUGGESTED EY BAKDMSTCR i ! School Will Be Conducted for Benefit of S'udents of Both Sexes Who Have Been Studying at American Amer-ican Conservatories. Pan's. An American i-unsei'valory of music sunn will be esiablishiMl at I fonlaiiiclilcaii as the result of the action ac-tion of the Koulainebleau municipal I'oum-.'l. which voted a subvention of lOO.OOO francs for ihe creation of the j school. The suggestion was put forward for-ward by Mr. Francis Casadesus, president pres-ident and conductor of the Paris orchestra, or-chestra, and the French minis'er of public Instruction lias set aside for : the school Ihe Louis XV wing of Ihe ; national palace of FontainebleaU. It will be a summer school and the li.'st session will begin July t, Pl-U. Mr. Casadesus spent seven months at Chaiiinont, the American headquarters headquar-ters of the A. V.. V., teaching instru- menialion at ihe American army j bandmasters' ami musicians' school j created by Dr. Waller Danirosch at the request of General Pershing. Suggested by Casadesus. Mr. Casadesus first conceived tln idea of the school after the American school nt 'hiitimonr completed ts work, lie planned to place the courses of the 'National Conservatory of Music in Paris al the disposal of the Americans. His friends discouraged the idea, on the theory that Paris, with all Its attractions, was m Ihe proper place to study music, ns the temptations to waste time were too many for students. Following a recent meeting between Mr. Casadesus and Mr. Fragnmul, snb-prefect snb-prefect of Fontainebleau and a grei.t lover of music, the hisloric place wa selected. The municipal council unanimously voted the 100,000 francs, which will be added to by French donations to be expended for proper lodging and board facilities. The school will be conducted for the benefit of students of both sexes who have been studying at American conservatories In winter and who desire de-sire to perfect their studies in France during summer mouths. The professors profes-sors will be those of the staff of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris, and students will be able, through competition, to get high French awards equivalent "to those given al (he Paris conservatory. 'The courses will last three months July, August and September and will include musical composition, harmony, har-mony, orchestra leading, counterpoint and fugue, organ, piano, violin, vlnlin-ceilo, vlnlin-ceilo, voice anil bar). Students in Ihose courses may also enler competition competi-tion for the Paris grand prize for musical composilion. Competition Every Year. The competition for this gram! prize will be held every year and only those pupils who have followed the course in a musical composition and have passed rigid tests will be eligible. The trials will last s'x days. The rules of Ihe Purls conservatory, conserva-tory, which are most severe, will be rig irotisly enforced. The definite ad mission lo the competition will be given October 1?, and the selection of competitors will begin on October "). During that time the contestants will not be allowed to see or communicate wilh any one. They will be rigorous ly isolated and (heir correspondence will be opened. The work demanded will he one of the following: An allegro for symphony, sym-phony, a symphonic poem, a cantata for three voices and orchestra, a sonata so-nata for violin and piano or for vlolln-cello vlolln-cello and piano. The hearing of the compnsll ions w ill he held In the con-i con-i cert hall of the Paris conservatory in December. At the end of th- hearing, hear-ing, which will be open to the public, pub-lic, the awards will be made. Tuition for the .summer school will be $0-1 a month. The school will be able to furnish room and board for 200 students at from $70 to $7."i a month. An additional 100 sludenis can be accommodated on condition lhal they lind (heir own living arrangements. ar-rangements. A course In musical history his-tory will be obligatory, but all other courses may be followed Recording to choice. |