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Show Yrtlow fever is rising in Ilayli. Snow several feet deen is reported report-ed at I a IV--M. nod y.-n, k -a: il,. claims ir- ;ii . 1j 1 at a -tnieb-lii I. A family.- is ra dug in P.. laud, j The Marviog hundreds arc 1 , tir. -' tl, l.akvr ,!.,,,. ' J.tist wee I; a man was arrsu.J in j Logan for exhibiting oh.-fene pie- 1 tuivs. fie was bound over m 1,- j QUO bonds, ' The large st slock and lim st vari- ' etv of crumb's can alwnvs he found ! at" the llaku-y. Prices 'fr..m Hk- sl j , pound and upwards, j Larh wire at the Hardware. ! TJo to tiic Ilnrdwaro lor your I school hooks. A fine line of ladiej' li.it; at i!,'1 Idavdware; cheap. I The liistoric old ICagh- Gate, ::! i Salt Lake, has again Lkcii re-t red : to its former plae", after having been taken down for repairs. ; Clothing! clothing!! Kail ri.rk I I iu.sL in; ( i ti: I i t ' ir.iod and priees ; low. 11. L. Eishburn tt Sons. ! Every line of millinery goods di- j rect from New V.irk and at New : Vork prices, at Mrs. Recce's mill- : incry store. 1 Bio iSAKr.vix. One fuip stud. - baker family buggy. Light, yt j strong and durable. Apply at the ( Ilardw arc MvU e. j JupI received at Ih.e (Central Meat Market a iine lot of hams. I bacon, dried beef, lard, etc. J. i' j Erdmann & Co., proprietors. j To buyers of fall nr.d whit r goods we extend a cordial invila- j tion to call and see our complete I line of seasonable new styles. All at nuces that are sure to picas,-, ll. j L. Eishburn t Sons. j Edwin B ir,th. the pe;.r!e- ira:;r- j dian, is said to be broken deu n mentally. It is fe;ind 1 y , ' never again be able io piny. Ladies, if you want the best! thread f .r hand oi- machine rec. j try Clark's ".Mile Knd.!' s-.ldle I thread wound on blar k s;"o!s: , black and cob. red on whit : spouis. : ' For said by the leading dry good-i good-i houses of Brigham Chy. V.'h'-lo-j sale by Brigham City Co-op. 'u-hm I J. G. 'Vine, n d!"a:it at lenieorc, j I'fi., f-ay;- he lins neer miM meil ;ei ne I that pive fiieh uttiver. r.l i-I'ne' i-ei v.- C'liiuiiNerlain's Colic, ChuVr.i ;ind i'air- ili:en le.'iiieny. nn.l :bar. 'he la.ge ee- ; liiiiml lor is been a :U t-nrp: i c hi j him. It is tulrf hot t- by Cilv Drug S,ore. Bring any and all your rce- ipts and iiresriiti..uu: i thiCKy J;ieg Sb.rJ. School supplies of all kinds, at ! Hardware. Children's best school shoes at pries never b fore heard of, at ll. L. Fishbuvn it Sons. Seventy-fi vfi women -wanted at Mrs. Reese's millinery shop to nd-mire nd-mire the latest styles. Wo mlvrrlh-e at pre-cnt ro- u linn i w h.j:-' pi'p!ir:llion.- h:ivr p.oven. in o'li n"A'ii fnieilv, nil Iheyehiiin to bf. Y.'e ret'er to Clnuiiborliiiii' Colic, Clinl.-i;; ami linlnea Ri-inely. V.'c sliunl ep for this medieiny liecai c ive b:i e tested it- This in nuf ;m ;K:ver-i.i.-e!nej,s for the meilii-ine. it is simjily u'n- te.-ai- moiiv regard it ;U'ier h hiir ilia!. I ll'mi-:d.:!, ('ft.) bi.-e,-; tv. lor n!e by City ln; toiv. Lnlost No Lew. j Bring all your job work to Tun ; Buoi.kk ollicc. Terms low, and the j best of workmanship guaranteed. I The Brai.icu Publishing Co. has j one of the most thoroughly euip-I euip-I ped job ollices in the Territory. Give us a trial order. Boothe k Peirce'n is the place to buy cheap clothing. Our favorite low prices are sure to win. 11. L. Fishburn Sl Sons. You should see our 1.40 ladies, shoe; its a paralyzcr, at Boothe tfc Pciree. Good (roods: low prices and fair dealing, at R. L. Fishlmrn A Sons. ! The- -latest" at Mrs. Hilda Iv.-ese's ?ili!!incry store. Autumn and winter stvUs direct fr-un the caot. Iloiley it S on v.v pxelusive agents for the Uuttrick patterns. Call and get a pattern bltm-t frr-c. Ladi'S. purchase one ot those nice hats now selling fast at the Hardware I'argain c-'Uiiier. llorsley it Sous are head quarters quar-ters for Mrs. linden's home-made eae.di. s. l:ef(re pairciia -ing, call and ml prices im our clothing. K. L. F:sh-J F:sh-J burn w Sons. ;. i'aus.tru o, in a n ufaeturer of shoes and clogs. Repairing a j s;a eialty. S..u.ii strec-i, half bh-ck ! west of Gem saloon. e-Iy j Elegant fail and winter hats tor ladies, now at the Hardware. I Even the,1 tv.rwf vi.rous ar.il he. our i''nVh'vo.r. linu- r. iVKi,.-,- erci-' erci-' .:e - M. l.is-ifude. 1" i di ibis i;vl- ii.g h ke Iti-..J. ,t. M.d. an s.n-.ip;i:--1 ibu. it w id i;;,pn; L v.g n- c,..l vmdiiy. i Ruy you.r Ivirb wire at t'-.r Ilaid-j Ilaid-j var lv'-t p!:", in tiie Cit v. I No high priced en ,lir Ii;.;." V.. L. Th- IV, -i ev--; ri Ii,;:) , f e h i 1 d -I rlO-V;ey S |