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Show A.Uiili. ip.nl Iooa I. Sl-o the Co-o)'s new ad. in this W. 0. TCnudson and familv have r turned from llutte to spend ill? wiiit-r in llrigham. (". ji:. ; ui r- s. m. -reliant of Calvin, Cal-vin, v. n-' io tie- City of Homes yes- The Y. M. ?,. . A. of th S'ecpd ward will begin its evi-.dng meet i;o .- in a short tin -. .Since the first of Oet iber th' Curf-w bell has been sounded at the hour of eight instead of nine. !. f. Faulkner, tlie painter, has unisie-d a verv artistic jiiece of w rk in the ii'-iv iv-idence of L. T. deiree. S'-m-' of the bridoes and dunies in to-,', n are 'jetting in a rather im- : . f f c o 1 1 d i t i " : I . T 1 e y n e c- d :i;:iug. To newspr "er men. For sale, an 8-col. Washington Hand pres. u first class c-mdition. Apply to f n Ih c m:r. ofiiee. The fair girls of P.rijrham have not yd taken to tin- "divided skirt" raeket. so they can't ojuit- ! yet ride a la Indian sepia w. Thank ! m aven ! The t-'arh- rs of P ,x Elder county wiil le'ht a meeting at (lie Court i .-use this a ft' -moon, to finally ari'ange a sen iol plan lor the c mi-I mi-I i,!:-r "'i:Jt:v. I'ltere was a benefit ball gi vei i in the Sec mil ward hall last nieht for Leslie Nkhols, who w ill shortly l-'p.ot f.r a two years.' mission to Indian 'iYrntm-y. Tin y ;ay wat-r works for Brig ham next spring are almost a sure thiug. A g-.i.d system would be.f ine l.imable beneiit ami good to our 'a st grov. ing City. IVstm ist' r H. V. B -the ha- re irne.i f;-,,m his t ear the count.. itispee.tijig the pist'ifliee, made at the renii'.'-t. of the P -V H-pa-t-uieut. He f 'Und tlie oflices gmier-. gmier-. i : 1 v in go:,d condition. There will likelv lie a htrge in-' .-r-e-eo- in at t da n e-1 at. tlie Acad-1 Acad-1 -mv. th- Chapel aod Ih dislri-t eh- o's Mondsy. Sr., res of n"v. t-id-'iU.s always rush t school iui-ocd iui-ocd atei v f ! lowing. Conference. It is t i he h died that the new r to course west of l'wn w ill he placed in the b -st condition possible possi-ble next year. We most have tin : ::; ; our d - .ens of 'ol al il yo n g -o-p; rrs u ill d'-ioand it nc l Th. ' g is pipes are nearlv all l:i-"d in the new amusement 1 1 :i 1 1 . rei.dy for the gasoline sysp m. The j fut'ioiee svstem can Vie finished i;1 1 I'M days " Co t late btst niejd j ih" seen, vy and chairs had rod yet " The two latest issues of Tuk Pii'ci.Kit were daisies." remarked a '"otleman the other dav: "thrv ..-ri th" l.righlest aod now-: 01 -I e;l t shit pC." . fr to i o; '.': r ei:iiiit v. which ,v. re exhibited at t!;e Fair thi-- .v.ei;. si, ,v,i- no well, wh-d tlvo-e i ...!-,- -.f !,-'.;,. i-iut. Ih'ihn.m' otpdii i m-k- a hr .ii.lav; one thrd ! c -Mi d froits der- ",-ve. ). C. Seow's larg", loindsoo.e , ir:ok n::.r.s' :i to-aidi.'j; C Mi plc-' plc-' ti-ti. Toe void, ere ad up: lie I ro. f n d C hij P',m-i- ivrrlv i o ue. 'I he l-uildio- w id he n-ady t - : i a o v !,.- tirel ui- k in 1 v,..o. r. '! .:..: v.i I he m--.:-t Th- tie ,1 o-:.d. : au-1 s'-e.-; .; ; ; , -d-.-t-. , f ti,.- (. onn Ifr.n- 1:iwm |