OCR Text |
Show I ADVICE TO THE ACED. . Age bring InflrmltW, ..ucli a lraith J ixnrtl wmk kidney Bud tori-lil liver. Tutt's Pills have a upwiflc effect on throo orrn. tlm-nlatlnc tlm-nlatlnc the bowrls elves natural divclmrtj-ana divclmrtj-ana impart vigor to the whole ay Urn. Coi j.r.nid:yi My ih-w lover. Mr.Jinjpon hu- a Pint'f a;r, tunn't he? Dora Yes, pipa iajs uicd to drive on..-. ' CoL'ljhs. "Broivn's Bronchial TVoeiW are nut new und untried, bin, having been lei-ted by lung und Constant ue. tbeV have attained weli-Uieritod mnk among the lew s-iupie eoUijh remedies. 2o eti. a box. Hns-i-'i Sni;e bus e'.iaved off hi whiskers. I'hf w ,.r.d w ui uuw bo able to soe the rt-al cheek ..1 the mi m. Womeu deo.rin to enter tht Lond'-n Society So-ciety of Lady Dn-ssma Iters hav.t to furnish .sttmouials of their "social position" a well j of churacier HUKTERS EQUIPMENTS W Flsbfna; Tackle. En Grrnt Vartptr Low Pri.es, n;d i? "in ta'.-.n in tr&Ac. Send for csttaloir.te. ;KO. 1 W. IKnKVE, SS&Krarnvtt-.&i:i Francisco. "Where are you col or my pretty maid?" "I'm going to cut the eorn." ulie said. "Can 1 go with yon, my pretty maid?" I "You're no chiropodist, she said. 1 Ask your dealer tor it, or bend for Free Circular to Petnluma Incubator Co Petaluma. CaL On the ditjc Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, after Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets have done their work. It's a healthy movement, too a natural one. The organs are not forced into activity one day, to sink back into a worse state the next. They're cleansed and regulated mildly mild-ly and quietly, without wrenching wrench-ing or griping. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet is all that's needed as a gentle laxative; three to four act as a cathartic. cathar-tic. They're the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Head-ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements de-rangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are promptly relieved and cured. ONTIO ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the Bys-teni Bys-teni effectually, dispels colds, headaches head-aches and fevers and cures habitual constipntion permanently. For sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. A MYSTEKV. How the human nystcm ever recovers from the had effects ol the uaut-cous medicines often literally poured Into it for the suppositlve relief of dyspepsia, liver complaint, constipation, rhemnatiFm aud other ailments, is n mystery. Thu mischief done by hail medicines Is scarcely less th 11 a that cuused by disease. If they who are weak, bilious, dyspeptic, constipated or rheumatic, would ofteaer be puided by the ex- Eerienee of Invalids who buve thoroughly tested losteitcr's Stomach Bitters, thev would In every Instance obtain the speediest ud derivable from rational medication. This medicine is iiscurch-lng iiscurch-lng aud at the same time a thoroughly sate remedy, derived from vegetable sources, and possessing, in consequence of Its basis of pure splritfl, properties us a medlclnul stimulant not to be found in the fiery local bitters mid stimulants stimu-lants often resorted to by the debilitated, dyspeptic dys-peptic and languid. YOU WANT IT! our new catalogue mailed Free to any address send for one, will 4 finck, san francisco, cal. HAY FEVER yJVZ?l drcssof everv sufferer in tlie & ASTHMA Write Palmer A Rev, when wanting want-ing printing material. The Usual Way MadL-e Docs Anna play the piano? Mllllcetit-Well, she labors at U; one can hardly call it "playing," you know. GEO. AUGUSTUS SALA. Geo. Augustas Sula, the well known Eng-glish Eng-glish writer, on his Australian trip, wrote as follows to The London Daily Telegraph: "1 especially have a pleasant remembrance remem-brance of the ship's doctor a very experienced exper-ienced maritime medico indeed, who tended me most kindly during a horrible spell of bronchitis and spasmodic asthma, provoked by the sea fog which hud swooped down on us just after we left t?an Francisco. Hut the doctor's prescriptions and tlie increasing increas-ing warmth of the temperature as we ne ired the Tropics, and, in particular, a couple of Allcock's Ponot's Plasteks chipped on one on the chest and another between the shoulder hludea soon set me right," THE COST IS THE SAME ! The Hartman PatentiSteel PicketrFence "Us no more than an ordinary clumsy wood picket affair that obstructs the view and will rot or all apart in a short time. The "Hartman" Fence is artistic in desliru, protects the irroniiils with-lit with-lit conceal in them and is practically everlasting;. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE WITH I'lUCES ASH TESTIMONIALS MAILED Ell EE. Always mention this paper in wiitinc. HARTMAN MFC. CO., - - - Beaver Falls, Pa. A niiie in 0 2-5, or at the rate of over ninety miles an hour, is an unparalleled unpar-alleled fent that was accomplished one day recently on the Bound Brook Railroad, Rail-road, between Neshurnini: Falls and Longliorn by Kngtne 2Q(, drawing two ordinary coaches and President McLeods' private car, Reading, which is equal to two coaches in weight. Aa to Killing Time Boys, it vas besser dot yon dou'd try to kill time. Eternldy cumi'f pooty fpvick euuff anyhow. The Paris waiters, who have formed a trade union, are now discussing their ultimatum with the restaurant-keepers. They not only insist upon their rinht to wear beards and no uniforms, but also lo auioke when not actually serving. Statu or Ohio, City of Toledo, ( Lucas County. Fhanx j. Cheney makes oath that he is the Ht-nior partuerof the firm ol F. J. Cheney Si Co., doing business in the city of Toledy, County and State aforesaid, and that said Ann will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and cveiy case of Catarrh that caunot be cured by the use ol Hall's Catarrh Cciib. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to bo fore mc and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, a. D. l&sti. 1 A. W. GLEASON, i !52 1 JfotarylPabtic Hall's Catarrh Cure li taken internally and acta directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces ol the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. -6old by DrugRisUi. 76c. BestCough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. kJ Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the Ll taste. Children take it without objection. By drupsnsts. LI "Who was Irelntid'n greatest benefactor?' Christopher Columbus. He discovered America." The Electric Alarm clock will rini! until you get up and htop it. People whoovt-r-sleepshiiuld have one. For particulars arid res Imperial Jewelry Co., 'J6 O'Hirrell Si., San Francisco. Jagson says he has found more grass widows In clover than In weeds. f. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND jl THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Tbf only Puff, Sure, anil rthaltt 1'IU fon!. fjn boxu fiiilkwUhbrurlrirtthoB?'CTiiLe Brother Llnd. Rtfuit SubSuuJua 7i'ia(!on. 4c. Id iin,P" Pf.,r" rlfculn! 1-tilinunlillC V " "liATc "for dlt-nVnA rrilim Mull If 10,000 Tcm! menial. .Van' Fnptr. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., M nil I.. in Kamr, r Kuldbr uMLurnl nrumtUU. I-IULAIIULPIIIA, I'A. Use Enameilne Stove Polish; no ost, no smel- NIHIL CI Hi: t'OU FILES Sure cure for blind, bleeding and itehluu Piles. One Ik)X bus cued tlie worst exses of ten years' sUiudiiik'. No one need sutler ten miuuts after using Kirk's (jerman I'lle Ulntmuut. It abcorbs lumorK, allays the itching, nets as a poultice, gives reliel. Dr. Kirk's Uerimin 11 lu Ointment is prepared only lor riles and itching of the private parts, und notlilm,' .else. Every box Is warranted Sold by DniKiiistH and sent by mall on receipt ol price, $1.00 icr box. J. J. Maekdi Co.,Waole-ale Co.,Waole-ale AgenlH, Sun Knim-hco. Try Germea for Breakfast. CUMBERLAND II eft; 13 TtH-A-IKrZP. From Maryland. IIIrIiIv recommended bv Cnrrlncre-Makers, Blacksmiths and Horse-Shoers. Sole Agents for "Duckenfield" Sydney, from Newcastle, Australia; the urea test gas and steam producing coal ever brought to the Const. ' I' i.kara nt Valley" and "Castle Oath" from Utah; the best of Rocky Mountain coals; superior su-perior to all other coals for domeMIc use. "New Heattlk" from Seattle, Washington; a popular domestic mid steam coui. IH SBAD A B HOOKS, Main oflice, H and lti Bi'Kab St., San Francisco, Cnl. Yards: Miiin and Folsom, 14 and 16 Spear St. . 1J and l.H Spear St. Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard? Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work , PROMPTLY CURED BY Cures A!so:KjTrtFS7F Bruises Burns tlmt bweaafl3- ' ai. Jm !l Soreness? mmmmyft, Si Frost-bites, Ifnynrt S All Aches. hhs jnMn Tim j'!!linnmiamraniiqllilliijii Chas. A. fagolorCo., i 'jjLaiinnMW J C'Du NCHseysjj p!3highV to be done I n Ouhs,ndso;noT'h'ing,! fyjf The house ought to be cleaned-m.? cleaned-m.? w i YhSapo li o.Try a. c&ke 1 nyour n ext h o u s e c I e &n i n &n d b e can vi n ced "IGNORANCE of xh ,aT.excuses n. man," and ignorance is no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better clean them in the old way than not at all ; but the modern and sensible way is to use SAPOLIO on paint, on floors, on windows, on pots and pans, and even on statuary. To be ignorant of the uses of SAPOLIO is to be behind the age. Olil Hnll and Hllvrr HhiibIH: hcikI yom old Oold sml HUvit by nmil lo tin' din ami rcUnlile limine ol A. Coleman, II Third itrerl. Sun Krmu lm'o: I will netirt by return n all tlie I'ntli . tirronllni: in afway; It tlie uuimiiit In in. I tuillHhielnry will return itld. . PALMER & REY'S PRINTERS' SUPPLY HOUSE, 405 and 407 Sansome Street, SAUST FRAHCISGO' - CALIFOBKIA JtT" Patent Outsitfes or Insides, Home Plan Outsidos or Insides. Typ Book binders' Out kits , Automatic Stereo Plates, etc. fThe Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in SCOTT'S EMULSION j t Of Pure Cod Liver Oil Willi I j HYPOPHOSPHITES ( OF LIlvIE AND SODA, j j The patient suffering from I CONSUMPTION, imoN iMTi, c:o i a ii, comi, on ( 1 AIINt IHKF.AMICM, miiy lake Hid I I remedy wlih as rnurh satisfaction as ho ; J Tvoulrt lakn milk, tliyslclans aro prenorlb-I prenorlb-I tup It cverytvtidro. It I nerfert emulnlon. i j rwiil a wonderful HpnIi proihiriT. Tnhe no olhrr FRAZER I AXLE Best In the World innp flOF Set the Genuine I HMrilNr Sold Everywhere I UIILflUt "August Flower" Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Scucca, Mo., during the past two years has been aflcclcd with Neuralgia of th? Head, Stomach and Womb, and writes: "My food did not seem to strengthen me at all and my appetite appe-tite was very variable. My lace was yellow, my head dull, and I had such pains in my left side. In the morning when I got up I would have a flow of uiurtis in llic mouth, aud a bail, bitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, ami I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blades, in the left side, and down the back of my limbs. It seemed to be worse in the wet, cold weather uf Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on, my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep nt all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before u-;i;ig August Flower Then the change uinn-. It has done me a wonderful" deal of good during the time t have taken it ami is working work-ing a enmnh'te cine." T1 (J.V.. rdi:i: V Sole M.-mTr.Wrtmlhiirv.N.I. Kjib)lhnrt IRS5, Telephone -(, mo- SBARBORO & CO. I uiiKirlerK it ml DeiilerH In QUOOEEIES, WI1TE3 5c LIQTJOHS Wh.ileNnk. ft,,d Itelnll A3I Washington Hi., Han I'iianuihi-o, LUl bend for our I'rlce 1,11. lIlKhtHit market priees fildulned fur t'onntry Produce, Pro-duce, jiiirt no cuinmlwslini eluiri;ed. ruin nr (londi iflvcn In settlement. Order reectiilly millclttxl. Call or wnil It above aildrenN. Granger Gangs. Vith or without l.tfthiK I.over. Best Ik'iich 1 'low 3 to 7 Gang $50.00 to $100.00 According to size. Easy Running Have Seel Attachments Best for Sandy Soil Perfect for Dry Plowing. MmU- by BENICIA AG'I WORKS For "ale by all dealers and . Baker & Hamilton ' DOLLARS SAVED. DOLLARS MADE. Trim Cakt I'rlrr tfl.t.flN. Our rnpresonlHtlv enlb-d on l ull lr uSft Wituon Carriage Co., 3!t I''hi'hint St.. kii i ni'ii'l. vt, ' 'ftl ttnd I. .und Ilium relttlllnic Velnclei ht lent limn vh'ilenalf" prlcen. and wlili-nit hwv middle (.r.illt :wld-d t.i price. Ilelmv are p 0 -1 1 n i -1 ml n iliol'nii on asmiill port Ion of t Ii'dr k I". Il will u rub .nM'-d It pay id writ lbe,n for K'd- r cHt'il'-niie. It irt.:t,'. o, i7.!i!t; IWly Curl.. l:..'H to Knniibfiiit Wiiu-.rii. In.'itlf. t'.H-m: i pen HhIi-i, M.I 1'. V2.W: Hprlnw Whkuiih. k. f-T 1". Mur- rl-H. 0,.(, u, CHrriiiK-i. (IL:l :- V. tVn.Vn; l-huMvnt, I'lS.li- i.. five- Hume,,. fi li- to IT.'-m. HERCULES GAS ENGINE i For Stmpilrlty It Reat the World. It hit' Fewei Pa1v aud ii therefore lem likely to ite: i out ol onler llian any other fitm F.ngine now bum. It OIIk Itself from a P.eerrnlr. Just llt-ht the bonier, turn the wheel, and it run nil day. No Carburetor to get out of order. No Hntterien or Elertric Bpark to care lor. AlwayB heady, anil a Boy caD start it at once. No Double or False Explnlon. which are frequent with the Unreliable Unre-liable Spark-It Spark-It nini with a Cheap? Urnde of Gao1lne then any other Engine, and consequently It coU lo to run ft. For prices and termi apply to PALMER & REY, I 0 4t 401 &A.VSOMK ST., S. F. x TO THE UNFORTUNATE. nn. f;imiovK ijii'h iky. a?s V A H-ariiy hi. K-t.,..l.s I lu I i'j l tor in- J. r..tmei l IMvfclc IMtMu.-, J.el.mtv, . f T dlM-HSe wenrlNK on hotly Hud mind per .' jl.jiJ. iinii'-iitly enr-d. Tin- Jj.k fir lia vl-n ! In.ipilH)- uf Kurope and ..Maine,! rniicli vftluaMe Informal ..n. wlili l tie t an in tl U hhie In ne.-d of I,!-, iervli:ei. I lie Jen-tor cures i lieu r.tlier- fall. Trv tiiii). No ,itK- utile lie fT- fin B cure. fernotm cured nt home. 'nil mi vrn e. Addrwn llr. J. Y. i;ihl.nn. Hoi llt.17. H. r .. Mention tlim jmptr. l man'-" l'.cnnoiu.ld. OUAUlIN, ATTORNEYS, 'J 1 I Y Hi IlKK T. M ,HI.T(, II. v. XVH 11. ATTKMII.V- lilVK T.. I.AM. Ml.NISO AM. I.SMAS lIKI-af.liATt.iN Cl.AIMH. TEUIj TOUH HUSBAND ihn T'.u wnnt i-omc u ntnNfitnc indr.ttniim.le .1 ii tt tin n f ence nr'iuiid vmir vard arid garden. 1 II :- piitnt-.l r.aiirl T,-t in u.i)s for -h: pil.t: II t,r..o( iiL-tiinvi ebi' keim, b'.ren, n.ldnt- iiml till:!... The I-.: and ' lieap.-l Fai-.M and Vine ve.i, Fenee In tbc worbl. Write a j-islnl raid let cln ninr" and UI tn JUDSDN MFC. CO. 14 Fremont St. FTTPEci'"IC A NO. I." i tf"nre" nil1 latnral dl"ejinr(reinf men. 9 iirili Ihn fnlli-d. I'rlrr. 1 . MI. Clr-nfi nn Q MILH i y t,.. f price t,v "I If A. Rcl.cwO HUli't. jiurot ami lcst muuk inn' tulxicco nuide. Does noi bito the longuo. AtastiiV oive? more solid eointort in one park-ae park-ae tlian you can got out of i dozen others. licwed ift eanv;H pouch os. j, a. Puce Tobacco Co,, Richmond, Virginia. y-K The Leading and DldBst VrHT' PATENT SOLICITOR. 'PORTIl'I (Klbl1sbed IW12., JcBESTER WTM. SMITH V Removed to y SIT Hannome Ml., Ha 'ranclco ii. m mw"(nii t!.'i'"iDweakijeai pwullae XfTTIiT ii J .rf'T.bltn1 feel JA THttvtMttfWi'ftl In r-r.mtneDdlni H M v v.... T7i sTONiH.wD.rjfciTuMu. V. "tt Solrt hy nranllU. STEINWAY, Gaoler and Pease Piano MeanniElhe IIimt Pia Mauk, and thf favorlti Chejr 1'iftnfs; all Mulral I nm ru me r, i; Iland Huppllfd; lartf nfk ( Sliwt Mimlt;. Htkiswat I Ht-L, VK, 6l'iH P"l Hlrwt. MaTTHIah UhaI UO. all iwd aee oar new roumi and vxik. b. F. N. U. No. 481. New Serioa No. tt |