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Show Ilititi)ii'a Comruiiilu. Near a town in tho southern part of Georgia b veil Mr. Branscombe, a wealthy fruit grower, who was embroiled em-broiled in a perpetual feud with a poor trucker named Hupton. The feud was based on lloptou's hog, which committed havoc in Brunscoinbe's garden, and Uranseomhe finally shot the animal. War was at once dt;chired by Hop ton, not against Branscombe personally, but against all his belongings, tie tore down fences, wrung the necks of chickenB, smeared Bran scorn lie's front steps with paint, and continued this petty persecution persecu-tion until tho fruit growor was exasperated exasper-ated beyond endurance. lie set a watch on Hopton, and finally I caught him in the act of pouring turpentine turpen-tine into tho pump. The next day Branscombe swore out a warrant for Hopton 's arrest for malicious mischief, and it was served that afternoon lloplon resisted violently, hut finally cat tned down, and while on his way to the olHce of tho justice of the peace expressed ex-pressed a wish to Bee Mr. Brunseoiube and "settle the whole affair.' The constable con-stable was an obliging fellow, and acceded ac-ceded to this request. "Runnel," said Hopton, when brought before Brauscombe, "let's compromise this matter." "Very well," assented Branscombe readily. "During the past six months you have committed damages to the extent ex-tent of $'J00. What is your proposition?" "It's this, kunnel," drawled Hopton. "You drop this prosecuting me, and I'll let ye off." Youth's Companion. |