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Show a Orilinutice Providiutj for thr Pnjmeiil of Poll To.x end i3pei-inu i3pei-inu Chatvtor 6 of the Reviso; 0rd!nntice8 of the Tov.a of G-.:u uisoti, 1898. Be ft Ordained by Iho Hoard of Trustees of the Towe of rrnnril:kn: Soc.J. Ut.l POIXTAX. Two jfloilBr? lawful tuoerv Id i) irinnal rnd poll tax up-oi, up-oi, uvexy aiuu ov. r twenty-out-and under K-fty years .o? . ooi ph slcally UicftpacllAHd to 'ifk and not Mtcmpt by law. residing wlt'tl the corp n-ate llmiLsof the Town of Gunnison. Kll road ;ioll tax hall he paid into the ton n treasurer and shall be expended under tb direction and pursuant to tlia order of 11.. 'ioard of Trustees. In making aDd improving oads within the towr. of Gunnieon. Sec. 2. BTBHBT8mPERViaOB APPOINT-1KNT. APPOINT-1KNT. lnnaediateiy aftor this ordinance oea Into effect the Board of Trustees sh 11 pnolnt iv Street Supervisor, and tlx his cod'-,u cod'-,u Qsation : -iald street supervisor to serve hn-11 hn-11 the first Monday lu January, itliu. and until un-til his nceeetOT shall be appointed ant" quail Hed- At the beginning of the year lf10. and biennially thereafter, the board of trustees .hall appoint a street supervisor and sha 1 lx his oontpenBStloa. -ee. 3, Street Supervisor. Powers at, Duties. The Street Supervisor, under 6he rer?tiori arid supervision of the board t trustees dianM: first. Take charge of the public road: lthlu the city and employ and direct sucl impotent help as may be necessary t. -operly perform his duties. Second, Prepare and submit to the boari' truste.es for their approval, plans, speclt;-cations, speclt;-cations, and estimates for any road construe- ion to be made in the Town. After the approval, bv the board of trustee: f the plans, specifications, and estimate provided herein the work of construction, growlngout of such approved plans. specification... specifica-tion... and estimates, shall be wholly wlthli Ibe authority of the Street Supervisor. Third, Keep the roads clean and clear of obstruction and In good repair. Fourth. CaLse roads to be graded am idi:e.s and cause ways to be built wherev! fthd n i -me in repair aiji renew them when necessary, Pifih. Give notice, in writing, to all persons within the town, liable to the payment pay-ment ot road noli tax, stating when due and where to be paid. Sixth. Collect personally or by authorlted agent, tin: annual road poll tax. not paid to the town treasurer. . Seventh, Make to the board of trustees, on or before the 1st Monday in December of each year, a written roport, showing: 1st, Name of each person assessed for road poll tax within the town. 2nd. The amount of tax collected by suii jrothorwise and the names of all delinquent, 'rom whom collection has been enforced. 3rd. The amount of uncollectab'e tax, thi "me "f each delinquent :nd the cause why such tax remains imeollectable in each instancu. , 1th. The amount of money expended and a detailed description of improvements made, 5th. A general description of the condition of the roads within the town. lith. An accurate account of the lime he himself and Mh agents have been employed and the nature and items of the . services rendered. Sec. 1. Special Reports. The' Board of Trustees may, at any time, require special reports Iron tLo Street Supervisor. Sec. .", The Street Supervisor shall, pricr to the 1st day of April of. each and every year, give written notice to every person in the town, subject to the payment of road poll tax. that said tax Is due ahd payable on or before theSrd Monday of April of each year; all persons so notified must pay the said Road Poll Tax to the town treasurer on or before the date when due. The said treasurer shall Issue a receipt to each person upon payment of said tax. All persons moving into the town, after April 1st of eaoh and every year, who shall be subjeot to the payment of said taxes mint upon receiving written notice from the streat; supervisor super-visor thit said t ix is due, pay the same to the tiw treasurer within ten days after such notification, provided that is.iirl road foil I ai shall besonie du and payable on demand, to the street supervisor in esses of transients or sou residence of the town ut the descretion of lha raid street supi-visur. supi-visur. iy-c. 6. Failure tv Pat. Any person subject to the payment of said road poll tax, who shall fail to pay the same as provided in Section five of this ordinance, shsll ba delinquent and the street supervisor ohalj immediately im-mediately proceed to collect the same by an action in the name of the towu, and no property or wages beloniug to such person shall bj exempt Irom execution therefor. Sc. 7. Street Supervisor to Fus-nish Fus-nish Town Tat-AhUKER With List ok Names. The sireet eupeivison CtbaH fttftnsh' the Town Treasurer vwlu a iibtof the names and utldrasse.-, of each auti ev.-ry person subject to ttoe payment of the said road poll lax, cn or Oeforeme 1st day ol April of each and every year, and also the name and address of each pnraou notified after the 1st. of April, as soon as such uonficatiou is given. Sec. 8. Kepeat.. Chapter Six. Revised Re-vised Ordinances of tu Town of (jtiuuisou 1888 H hereby repealed. Members board of trustees voting Aye: Actoue Yepsou, James Bourn. H. M. Childs. Leo N Glecthill, Members board of trustees voting Xay. None. Approved this 10th day of July, 1909 ANTHONY METCALF, l-'resideut. Board of Trustees;. Attest: W. J, t KIBBLE, feal Town Clerk v |