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Show LITTLE HENRY'S MEMORANDA. Lots of people don't care what others oth-ers think about them, but they want to know what others say about them. Unkle Bill says that when It comes to leading a dog's life, he wouldn't want to lead a pet dog's life. My ma says hard work is speshully trying on a man because he has to do it and has to talk about it before and after he does It. The trouble with a bluffer is that he makes so many- bluffs that are not worth making. A baseball player is like any other hero. They all get glass arms. TJnkel Bill says he wonders why these nature waiters don't writje stories sto-ries about the fly and the musketo which has more intelligence than any other animal. My sisters beau sings all the popular popu-lar songs in the parlor every night but pa says after they get married she won't think he has such a fine singing voice. Unkel Bill says arkitecks nowadays only design bildings that will loolf well on post cards. |