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Show Items of Interest. Cash paid for Eggs, 19 cent's pet . ... fiozen, at the Gunnison Cash Store. m. R H.,L: Wilson and wife are visiting relatives in Grace, Idaho, r. k m , A program for the 2-1'th is "being prepared, but under what authority we have heard ho one say. Hello! B'isa ball between Gunnison Gunni-son and Fayette, tom'orrow, Saturday atop. m. Beauregard will take you over to Fayette and back for 25 cents. et tk m. Clement Swalterg left Tuesday for fiichfield, there to study veterinary prelirrrinary to' a further course which ho intends to pursue next year in some school in' this specialty. Success. R e We are authorized to' announce that Sunday school and ward meeting meet-ing will be resumed July 17. The meeting loom has been renovated and i't is earnestly- desired that a good attendance at-tendance be present. w C. H. Embley of Centerfield has fieen appointed as water commission er on the Sevier river, from the Red- mond d'am' to th'e lower point of dls- ' tribution iu the vicinity of Hinckley. Owing to the scarcity of water Mr. iXnbley is just now kept pretty close with this ditty. R Mi Messrs. 3. H Neal and associates of Denver have just made a purchase 6f real estate in the Westview portion 6f Gunnison valley,- amountihg to fcfj.OOtf. The deal was made through W. E. Tollestrup nianager at the fefu'nnison Real co'inpauy. - Alfalfa seed'.wioun'd riot ovfr promising in this locality the present 4eisuri. due it ia thought to' the intense in-tense heat and long dry spell. A tumbsr of acres intended to stand for seed are being mown while there is chance of the ciop serving for hay. Quite a disappointment is felt. R R R Manager Peterson has engaged with Wamsber'8 Big Stock company, better known as the Belle of Japan players, to, occupy the local boards four nights' commencing September 23. and a sitr.ilar period again Octo-bar Octo-bar 12 to 15. Our theatre goers will doubtless be pleased with this arrangement. ar-rangement. We promise all favors' consistent with conservative banking. Our Safe deposit vault, the fittest in. the west, ; . oilers' yoil the cheapest insurance for your valuables against fire or theft, ' hnd costs' ydu nothing. GUNNISON ,., VALLEY BANK. . R R R v F. J Chrlstiansea, jr., aod Gaorge " G.- Whitlock of the Mayfied school -board were in Gunnison Saturday at-tfeuding at-tfeuding legal work. In Mayfie'ld dis-i dis-i tr' It - 178 children of school age. The l . ilty engaged for the year soon to begin oomprisea the following : Ernest Jacob'son of Moroni j principal Miss Pearl Whitlock of Maytield ; Mias Mary Bywater of Draper, this county; Mies Anderson of Monroe. Adobes for sale. Best class. Apply Ap-ply Julius Johnson'. k n If you trade with Cash, go to tbe Gunnison Cash Store. You can save money on everything you buy. The Centerfield' . opera house manager is preparing for a regular fortnight' engagement of a popular theatre Company during the season commencing September 18 R R Miss Maud Lee, of Lander, Wyo., is in' tbe City visiting relatives and friends, the first visit to her native town since leaving here when but a tot eighteen' years ago. Miss Lee is a daughter of Mrs. Heory Lee formerly Mary Childs. Gunnisot) and Centerfield fans measured skill last Saturday, a BCore 12 to 16' putting the former in the honor rcll. Gunnison and Fayette will meet at the latter diamond tomorrow to-morrow for a ga'me in return for the Visit to this city some time ago. R R R WLL SELL Anumberofthoice Nesv R'il'ch Cows, part or full bred Jerseys. Prices from' $30 to $60. Call on Joseph' Christenson, Gun ni'son, Utah. ml3tf K K v R William' Wood has disposed of his farm ain'd cit;y property and yesterday returned to his old home town' in Iowa. C. M. Msdsen bought the fsrm and Martin Peterson the home at a prfce a little in advance of that paid by Mr. Wood last year. s s R Mrs. Lorenzo Edwards waa' completely com-pletely surprised Mouda'y afternoon when a nice company of friends called call-ed to pass a few hoiirs as a reminder of her natal anniversary. A number from this city wore joined b'y relatives of the honored gueat, from May field. There WaB a jolly good tinie and Mrs. Edwards made feel Bhe ia as young as she looka, a few years un-! un-! der the half century mark. R K M Whilei most of the dry farmers of Nephi proceed along the right lines' occasionally we tlnd a "know it all" who prefers following his own methods meth-ods and who pays no attention whatever what-ever to the suggestions made by the mon successful dry farmers and to experts. There is one gentlameii in particular who has been cropping his land continually for foiir or five years; The rain fall has been abundant and he has been getting fair returns. This year he tried it again but his crop has burned up. The drouth has taught an exceedingly valuable lesson and no Where will its inllueinCe be felt in a better way than at Nephi. Deseret Farmer. R R R WASHING and Ironing done right, by Mm. Hyrum F redricksou . Job Printing at this office. t K R PHOTOS ! Good chance now to get them taken at reduced price. Carl ModeeD. jStf K K M We ask you to become a customer of GUNNISON VALLEY BANK. Our service will be an advantago to vour business, and wbeu you desire to carry on your business you will ku'.iw where to go for financial aid. |