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Show LOCAL ITEMS. "Cuban Spy," Gunnison opera house Feb. 24. R R K WANTED Men and teams for scraper work. Apply to H.A.Kearns, (! unnison. R R Cornflia, the 11-year-old daughter .' Mr. anil Mrs. Richard Palmer of Fayette, died from typhoid-pneumonia last Monday. tt R R Golds contracted at this season of the year aie quilkly realieved with! Bess Laxative Ccjugh Srup. Pleas-ant Pleas-ant to take. Best for children for coughs, colds, crtip and whooping cough. Sold by Paul von Nordeck. R K R The Gunnison Creamery company held its annual meeting last Monday and elected the following officers for thu e ii i;ing year: W. H. Gribble, C E. Ferre, Aus'ia Kaarns. James Beck, Biigham Jensen, Mort Mortensen, Hyrum Domgaavd. R R R Three Japanese contracters will ba in this city Sunday and Monday to conclude a contract with the Spalding & Liviug4on Investment company for more than two hundred acres of hind for the purpose of raising sugar beets. These contractors say they can produce any number of men aud are open to contract for any suitable fields that may be offered here. R R R A most enjoyable party was given l.'st Wodnay night at the home of Mr ar.d Mrs. Albert Swain in honor their daugnter Lydia. who Jeft this week for Nevada where she will make her home. About thirty guests were present. R R R A fine pair of twin girls arrived at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. A. M. Christenson last Tuesday night. Mother and babies are doing nicely , aud the father is the happiest man in Gunnison Valley. tt R How were you landed? We were laaded with a piece of land under the Highlaud. M R R The local order of the Modern Woodmen of America gave apleasai.t j dancing party Friday evening of last week at the opera house. A large crowd was present and the members of tbe lodge proved themselves royal entertainers. R R Ar'.ioles of incorporation of the Gunnison Telepheue .-ompany will be tiled with tbe county clerk today. The principal place of business will be at Gunnison, and it is Ihe purpose of the company to establish and oon duct a telephone system in the state I aud particularly in Gunnison, Cju-j Cju-j tertield and Fayette. The officers of the company are- T. F. Kjearns, ' president ; Leo N. Gledbill, sec retary Joseph Cbristeiisou treasurer ; E. J. Meilor and M. Beauregard, diiectors. J The coniD-t.y is capitaliz-d at S50Q0, ' d vkfed into shares of 2.50 each. I tt at a I Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation 6tomacb, kidney kid-ney disorders and acts as a gentle laxative- For chills fever and ma-luia. ma-luia. Its tonic effects ou the system felt with the first dose. The $1.00 bottle coataius 2i times as much as tbe 50c size. Sold by Paul vou Nordeck. Nor-deck. Ct R s Baid Ea le Mining Cora . any. Ihe Bald Eagle mining company, o -ateti in the Nebo raining district, have sigued coutracts with tb 1 U. fi,. Smelter of Binghrm Junction for tbe free smelting of their ore, and for ail ore that goe ouer 20 per cent lead the company will receive fron SI. 00 to ?o.00 per ton extra. 4tl2 James . Hi 1 Secretary. Neat Job Work a this office ! |