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Show I WHERE CLOTHES DON'T COME HIGH ENOUGH rM You nover cah 'tell. Maybe some good will result from this campaign for the decenter dressing of tho young girl. Maybe she will simply get worse because decent people are shocked at her present f appearance. That Is what tonight be expected of the silly sensation-hunters. I don't know whether to damn tho mothers or drub the girls. There have been a good many foolish fashions In theso hundred or so years that i I have been decorating the footstool. But nothing has oven remotely approached the dresses young 1 girls affeqt in this pleasant year of grace. In tho j first place, they start with an open collar. They '1 rather exaggerate that bit of wear, and call it H collar till it trespasses on the confines of waist. They go down town with their dresses open In front from neck to navel, and expect some one to admire them. No one does, of course. Here and there a "fellow" looks at the gleaming ex- panse ,of girlish bosom, and hurries to the pool 1 room where he can tell his pals the shape of the I girl. And hero and there some old rouo who couldn't get a second look from ""ly thing short of a street walker will gaze wi truding eyes and with dripping lips at the yo il and uncov- t orod skin. But 'that isn't admiration. It Is an I insult. I And then, as If It wero not enough to show how she is shaped above the bolt, the girl of today discards her petticoats, so that the shape of her legs may clearly be soon. I don't know whother or not they have any clothes beside the skirt of 1 their dresses. If there bo more, it must be of jk the very flimsiest of material, for there isn't a 9 movoment of tho foot In walking that doosn't show both front and back view 'ovory ddtall of line and curve from head to heel. Of course they do it because they want tho boys to see their .shape. That is the one and only reason. And the boys don't forget to soe. And they never fall to remombor. But I would rather follow a daughter to her funeral than to meet her with the open-front waists and the unpottlcoat-ed unpottlcoat-ed legs. There is nothing in all this world so beautiful as tho form of a young woman. The contours of a girl are beyond all expression. But they bo-long bo-long to the few things the good Lord never meant to put on common show. There are some things a little too fine for tho street. And the bosom and tho logs of a girl are three of them. |