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Show PUT PEOPLE ON THE LAND! OUTSPOKKxV IS TIER WORD. Recently we published an editorial entitled "Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing," aimed at the complaint against the teaching of eugenics in the high school. The San Bernardino, Bernar-dino, Cal., Index reproduced? the article ar-ticle in its entirety with the following follow-ing Introduction: "Goodwin's Weekly, published In Sa.lt Lake City, Is one of the most outspoken out-spoken magazines in the West on many topics, and while it thus has its enemies, it has its admirers. Recently Re-cently we called attention to an article ar-ticle published in a.oth.er western magazine, the San Francisco News Letter, the article deploring public discussions n" that species of vice that claims as its victims the girl and boys of our nation by countless thousands thous-ands each year. Today, w publish an article from Goodwin's Weekly along similar lines, but from wlrat a different stati'.polit! Its sivcastl rebuke re-buke to those who would keep our youth In ignorance of some of the most vital truths of life until they learned these things through vicious and perverted sources Is tlme'y and well merited. It should be rond by all and carefully digested." |