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Show "THE M.W rj:DEH," with Al. Low is and original orig-inal cast. The Aeroplane R0 Ladles. Kennej and IIoI- 7:30 lis. The Cabaret" Trio, and 0:15 Just1' 'Ulght" Violinist. The WajtcC GauiiTont Weekly. Jginprcsb Orchestra. Or-chestra. Regular 30c Matinee Dally Empress 20e 500 Tar- -t Prices 10cquet Seats ArC S THEATRE ZJr colonial I William J. Kelly I HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS J ! The Tremendous Dramatic Spectacle OGlUCluGrff ' HI Standing Solitary and Alone, jthe Culmination of " HI Three Centuries of Dramatic Achievement. . , T. , , HI ' -" , f T v Beginning Sun. Night, II 150 People - A Symphony Orchestra May2s 11 A Dazzling, Bewildering Display of Costumes, , HI Scenery and Electrical Effects. ,, .,v HI - - ' S . Matinees HI largest Musical and 'Dramatic Organization . i . . . , mm f EverTbured 4 Thursday andfbaUjjTday j II ' - K " ' ; , II , , jk Prices: Nights Lower floor, 75c, , lllll DDSOIIO 3fI??.TST5,S .Is ?10, ?;,so ""a $1 wllay 5c; uSo"?, hoc, 25' MntmL ; il rnllir and Friday Matinees 25c, 5 0c, 75c, $1.00. Saturday '."' ,n v mm I 11IUL.U Matlnce-25c, 50c, 75o 1.00 and $1.50. x Lower floor, 25c, 50c; balcony, 25c. lUTAH THEATRE! I X WEEK- COMMENCING SUNDAY NIGHT, MY 23 c" ' II Brandon Tynan-Florence Stone I . And Assoqiate Players Present the Great Belascoiproduction ' I By Herman Bahr; Adapted into English by Leo Dkrichstein. " 11 "Till '-' " -"- 0-v-- - i w h k jw - H M I.. .-., . Prices--:-Night, 25c, 50c, 75c. Matinee, -15c, 25$ 50c. ;v - 1 1 Matinees Thursday and Satiirdav. ..-".-.'"- "':; Sgeeial Matinee Decoration Day I II Next Week-Ada Dwyer in Merely Mary Ann 1 |