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Show Resort Season Opens Friday You may choose between the following follow-ing resorts next Friday when, following follow-ing an. ancient custom, Memorial day opens tho season: Saltalr, trains every 45 minutes. Majestic park, formerly Salt Palace, with night races. Wandnmere, with Motordrome races. Lagoon, special car service. Emigration canyon, augmonted car service. "BUjger and hotter than over before" is the answer to a common question fired at promoters this week when the subject came up. At Saltalr thore have been some Improvements and many new features that will attract. Joseph Nelson is going It alone this year, J. E. Lnngford having severed his connoctlon with the road and resort re-sort to go to Majestic park, his new name for Salt Palace. The burning of the famous palace a few years ago knocked the props from under tho name. A feature there will be an immense im-mense danco hall to be run not only through the season, but all the year round as well. Simon Bamberger's Lagoon will present pre-sent a beautiful aspect on Memorial day, when the gardens will be at their best and all but the roses in fullest bloom. Thore will be attractions there that will draw crowds which will be handled by augmented car service. Next Sunday night Harry Heagren will give a pre-season race meet at the Salt Palace saucer In Majestic park. Many of the old-time favorites will be astride their wheels and a great card has been arranged. The season, how-over, how-over, doos not open until Memorial day, when a splendid bill of events hn.v been arranged. On the same night the chug-chug of the motorcycles will bo hoard at Wandamere. Tho speed fiends will be out in force and the resumption re-sumption of this popular sport will no doubt attract an immense crowd. Hea- Bon Is to manage thnt-trnok as well, and It is to be expocted that he will'-be one of tho busiest young men 1n town. The fact that ho Is to manage both tracks is a safe guarantee of excellence excel-lence throughout the season. Ho is ono of tho most popular sport pro-motors, pro-motors, and tho only thing he handles that Isn't on the level Is the Inclined track, particularly at tho ond turns. LeGrande Young, Jr., superintendent superintend-ent of the Emigration ennyon line, will have cars buzzing up to tho Summit all day and later will have a number of new ears. The popularity of this line will grow as tho season advances, although nt the very outset a big crowd is looked for. |