Show golden rule sunday citizens of brigham city are expected to partake of 0 a simple near east repast sunday a day set apart by president coolidge governor mabey and hundreds ot of mayors throughout the state as golden rule sunday it is so designated in order that people throughout the country can observe the golden rule eat a simple dinner which children of 0 the near east have regularly in orpha orphanages orphanage nag es and give the difference between its cost and what their regular sunday dinner would cost to the near east relief lund fund quota this thi s year Is A golden rule dinner consists of either pilat pilaf armenian or macaroni and cheese stewed apricots with corn syrup brown bread and cocoa its cost is estimated at four cents stew of 0 beet beef or vegetable may be substituted tor for pilaf or macaroni the state golden rule committee has sent out instructions on how to prepare a near east meal to the domestic science department part ment of every high school in the state |