Show SHOP EMPLOYEES HERE TOMORROW brigham city will welcome tomorrow the members ot of the shop employees association salt lake lodge no 2 ot of the union pacific system who are coming here to spend the day the city will put on a carnival appearance and the citizens under the direction of the box elder commercial club will do all in their power to make their visit a most pleasant one there will be upwards ot of 2000 people in the party who have been accorded the use of pioneer park the stake tabernacle and grounds and the academy of music in which to hold their meetings and carry out the festivities and sporting events of the day the trains are scheduled to arrive at ten in the morning and the ladies and children and older men in the party will be conveyed in automobiles from I 1 the 0 S L depot to the stake tabernacle I 1 er where the days program will open in a meeting to be attended by the visitors and a number ot of local citizens the other members of 0 the party will march from the depot to the tabernacle headed by a ba band the program at the tabernacle will commence at 1030 and will include an all address ot of welcome by mayor james knudson followed by remarks from general representatives ot of the management of the union pacific system lines and representatives of tb the shop employees association vocal and instrumental selections will also be rendered by the shop employees quartet and others between the hours of 1130 a in and I 1 in the afternoon luncheon eo n will be served at pioneer park A feature of the afternoon program of sports will be the big baseball game between the shop employees league team and the brigham peaches the 9 game ame will commence at 1 following the ball game contests games toot foot races etc will be enjoyed with cash prizes tor for the winners following the program at the park a tree free dance will be given at the academy of music special provisions having been made tor for the children A grand ball will be given at the academy ot of music in the evening which according to the committee Is open to the public one of 0 the trains will leave tor for salt lake early in the evening to accommodate those who do not care to remain tor for the grand ball the other train i will leave later at night |