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Show John T. Fanning of Indianapolis No. 13, Secre-taiy Secre-taiy of the Board of Grand Trustees, will swing th boys in line at the Knutsford. 'Jig Denny Hogan of Chicago lodge No. 4, com-mc com-mc lly known as "Connamara Giant," is the boy win gave Salt Lake a big boost in Milwaukee las summer. 2ddie Orris, Grand Treasurer, of Meadville, E vouchers are cashed ;ie real thing, kee, accompanied by zler, Hal Coleman and e Cream City. Emil, accompanied by n avoirdpois at l000 Vorcestor, Mass. Vas Brother A. H. Pickens of Denver No. 17, Lecturing Lec-turing Knight and one of the hardest workers in the order of Elks, will mix with the, boys, and will be accompanied by the antedeluvian Tyler Dethloff. Charlie Zietler, Sam Lendholem, Judge Luther M. Goddard and Ed Leisering are the big quartette quar-tette from lodge No. 17. V Hunter Craycroft, the "man from Texas, sah," escorted by George Gosling, known to the push as "Saratoga George," will maintain the dignity of the Lone Star State. The Right Rev. Walter Davenport Buckner, from Pine Bluff, Ark., who attended the carnival last year and who was a victim of the justly celebrated cel-ebrated "kangaroo court," will see that the boys keep in the narrow path. Sam Martin of Milli-willl-waukee will exhibit his collection of badges, the fruit of past year's labors. Old Pap Henry, District Deputy of the State of Iowa and Past Exalted Ruler of Des Moines, is the boy who makes them all live up to the ritualistic rit-ualistic work. Keep a-pushin', Pap. Past Exalted Ruler G. E. Galvin of Cincinnati and Past Exalted Ruler B. M. Allen of Birmingham Birming-ham will be among the bright galaxy of stars in tho ISlkite firmament. Brothers, keep your eyes on the Boston & Montana Mon-tana band; it looks like a four-time winner. Jimmy Gallagher, Chairman of the Montana State delegation, deserves all the credit in the world for the manner in which he has rounded up the Montana Elks. The Cherry Pickers of Toledo, 0., No. 42 have the king pin of drill masters in Captain Cook. Charlie Townsend, alias "Yellowstone," will see that Taylor and Williams get a fair shake. |