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Show A1SEMMJES A desperate struggle staged In ,'SIUc Hosiery," Enid Bennett's' latest starring star-ring vehicle which will bo shown at tho Realart Monday Is no man-toman combat, but a contest ot angry women, with hairpins flying, and a gleaming daggor flashing In the dim light Never has such a picture been booked at tho Realart was the verdict of Manager White of that popular 9iouso after be had soon Maurice Touraeur's plcturlxotton of "Tho Last jot the Mohicans" which comes Here Wednesday and Thursday, a a Should an innocent man who has been sent to prison on circumstantial evidence Book escape or should he resign himself to fate and serve the term? That Is the question which confronts Thos. Melghan, Paramount star, In his latest picture, "The City of Silent Men," yhlch will be shown at the Realart next Saturday. Whon housework Id torture. When night brings no rest nor sleep. When urinary disorders sot In. Woman's lot Is a weary one. Donn'o Kidney Pills a'ro for weak kidneys. Havo proved their worth" In thousands thou-sands ot cases. Ask your nolghbort Road this womnn'u testimony. Mrs, D. It. nhodos, B. Main St.. Amorlcan Pork, says: "Whon my kldneya hayo been ont of order thffl "aPtaTII have been sluggish and I have t, b:cn bothered with bladder trou- K, pr Lie. 'Then too, my back has been Mj weak nnd lamo. A box or so of Pots'' B Kldnoy Pills h'avo always cured ot such complaints. I havo KrWlMRRy faith In Doan'a Kidney Pills." m,;t Prlco 60c, at all dealers. Bofcr"; simply ask for a kidney remedy t M,. , Doan's Kldnoy Pills tho same tn,iL! Mrs. Rhodes had. Fostcr-MUbqiHr Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. T. (a1flH |