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Show I ILindon News l I Floyd A. Walker Reporter H I NKWS, 8UH8CIHITI0N8, KTO, Phone 1 4-J"3 HUSMHO OF AM KWD bHHHH I l X - .-- .i-iinMiMMiBrt n ii i hiiim iwniMiiiMMMitiiaiaifiiiMiaiiaiMBiiiiiiii niJ Jj! Sunday night at the Llnelon First H wnrd cbnpat at 7:30 President 8. L. B Cblpmun, I'rct. Jas. II. Clarke, SupU Rk Jos. If. Walker, Supt. WItford Wnrn- 1 ick and Scout Bxocutlvo A. A. Andor- nn, members of the district 'court of ft honor of tlio Doy Scouts Cpuncll will kj! bo present to determine tho present H Jng of merit badges, first nnd second H class badges to tho scouts. After theso H ceromonles aro completed, n farewoll 1 program will bo given for Lolnnd f Culllmoro, who leaves for n mission Hj to tho Southern States March 8th. The j program will bo given undor tho dl- H notion of tho missionary committee, Hi the Sunday school and the Mutual. Ev- HlJ erybody Is Invited to bo present sHt f Miriam Kirk, daughter of Samuel H Kirk, Is 111 with diphtheria, but is ro- H ported to bo doing as well as can bo H ipocted. H B Monday, tho Ucatann Swarm of tho H Llndon First wnrd gavo a enndy pull Hi at tho homo of Tholnia Ash, Their B bee keepers, Tholmn Qlllman and H Florence Culllmoro woro also present HI and an enjoyable time was had. I Hi The Qlllman reunion pt Undon was Hj held In tho Second ward meeting hou- Hi. se Tuesday evening. The following B program was rendorcd: Address of H Welcome, Wm J. Qlllman; reading, H Krs. Leah Qlllman; solo, Mart Klmb- H r; reading, Mrs. Haxet Qlllman; In- H etrumental, Elda Qlllman; solo, Al bert Harris; speech, Dp. A. L. Culllmoro; Culll-moro; solo, Norma Jarmaa; reading, Moral Qlllman; song, Mrs, Dell Qlllman; Qlll-man; speech, James Qlllman; roadlng, Mnnotte Qlllman. After the program a delicious lunch was served to 12S 'relatives and friends. Dancing then fpllowod and a very pleasant time was had by all. Tho Scouts of the Second ward had a peanut bust Tuesday night. Friends and neighbors of George Dittmoro met at his homo Tuesday Evening. Tho time was pleasantly 'spent In listening to musical numb-ors, numb-ors, chatting, eta, and delicious refreshments re-freshments wero served. Mr. Dittmoro Ditt-moro has bocn confined to his homo all wtnter, suffering from rheumatism and ho thoroughly enjoyed tho good-wishes good-wishes and pleasant evening spent with his friends. i I Dr. Ella It. Shlpp was prcsont at both Iindon Ward Relief Societies this weok to make arrangements for la series of lectures to be given by lierself for the benefit of-women and girls above the age of 10. Theso lecture! lec-ture! will bo health subjects. Tho Hoy Scouts of the Socond ward will nlvo a "pie" danoo. Each lady will bring a pie which will bo sold during tho evening. Tho boys are to pay nn admission of 50c at tho door. Everyone Is invited. 3. D. Wadley and L. O. West madd u mislness trip to Salt Lake Monday. Edmond Cragun and 'family are all confined to their beds with the flu but are reported to be Improving. 4 Mrs. Harold S. Walker has been seriously 111 for the patt week, put Is reported to be on the Improve. Horace Culmer, who has been con-tinod con-tinod to a Salt Lake hoijltnl for the past winter was brought", homo Tuesday. Tues-day. ' ' Miss Vorveno Cobbley was pleasantly pleas-antly surprised at her heme last Friday Fri-day evening. The time was spent In tho usual social diversions nftor which an oyster spper was' served. The following guests were present: Misses Bolva Kirk, Arrllla Daxter, Norma and Krma Jarnan, Lccta Miller, Viola Miller, Hacel Keetch, Messrs. Elmer York, Tkeron Whitsly, Orvllle Cutler, Valene Cobbley, Harold Hnnson and, Elmer Haaeon. |