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Show , o I Highest price paid for clean raga- j- Br'ng them to this office. tt V oEartnloaas I The Bank of American Fork has made connec- i ;t,on whereby they have plenty of money 1 v. v to loan on good farm land J S n - ,n "u ' -Jcstsy-.T pi ifi !fj OUT FLOWERS And Flnrnl peshrns a ftpcrlalty. Tarnntlons and Rosfs, all colors. I.EIU FMINU. ro. LEH1 Trlfphnnr year order We ship promptly. i2ml "" " t. ! . i , 4aWf 0000SOOOOCOOO0000000 I EXPERTS I I x Bring in your harness and havo it oiled right. V I X Tlio prico is right and will giyo your hnrness a new life, a I Y WE ARE OILING EXPERTS. 9 I American Fork Saddlery Co. flt- 0 American Fork is the Gateway to Mt. Timpanogos. 6 :fT OCKKOCK0CXXO'0KKC 31 II I Hemstitching and Picoting I l done at Reasonable Prices fe at the I J WOODS MILLINERY 1 I S AMERICAN FORK J I ; OS:OSlOOXOa OXOXOJSO OKOCa1KaVaKOa10 I KOT1CK v - ! The local Farm Bureau will hold i meeting In tho City hall Saturday evening ev-ening at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of reorganizing. A full attendance Is desired and all interested are Invited In-vited to attend. N. M. Pulley, Pres. W. D. Stewart, Sec. Our Success I aaaaaal Many of our competitors are mystified about how wo can .H cell our groceries and meat so cheap and succeed in business. H Kore is tho key. Honesty and square dealing with our jH oustomors. 'H We don't try. to see how much profit we can make on our H merchandise, Just the reverse to that, We are glad when H our customers and clerks are prospering and riding in his ,H own automobile. We practice economy. We don't let too 'H many drones live from our business. H Our purchasing power makes it possible for us to buy gH right. M One visit to our store will convince you that we sell right, H and that we are not in businoss for selfish gain only. H Some of Our Regular Prices I HEINZ GOODS Mtdlnm Chow-Chow ....... .. Ste Large Chew.Chew ..,. 4(e Ipfrdlem Sweet Gherkins Me Mediant Sweet Mnstara 48c Mrdlam SHreet. Xlxea 4c 8-ois. Worcestershire 8aee .... He Small India Relish ..., tc Large India Kel(sh ISe Medlam Spaghetti 11c Pint Mali Vinegar Me Qaart Malt .TlnegMT 4e Large bottle CatsaB lie SMall Ripe Olives , Ite J-H, Jar Apple Batter Sfe Jlettle Prepared MasUrd Ite Mrdlam Chill Saaee ..,.. iH Median Temate Sance Perk ,., .andeans, t tot tie I Mediant Red Kidney Beans Ite Small Midget Onleas ..., .... t7e Green Pepper Se tte Medlam Jar Peanat Batter Ite syrup m tM Large Can Cane and Maple M Synip, fer , IMS 'H M.ie lb. Can Cane and Maple M Syrap, Tor 71k H Ue-SHl' U. Can Cane and Maple H 9ymff for , MM H 0HEE8E AND MACARONI M 26c lb. Fall Cream Cheese, la. . , JMc - H 90c lb. Leese Maearenl, 8 Ike. fer tie jH Wc lb, Laete MaearenI, ft lbs. fer We H t Pkgs. Maeareal er Keedeli fer He B ISe Solid Paek, Teasates(' ) Me H 16c fweet Cera, t fer '. Me M 16e JaBePeas . .i.. ..... .... Me jfBBfl Mc Strlagless Beans, 9 f er .... Me M PANOAKI FLOUR H 76c t III Saek Already Paneake -:H Klesr.'ier Me M 6 lbs. Ahaiy Paneake Flear ..tie x H No. ,38 - - AiSfierican Fork H MT. TIMP. AND TIMP. OAVE WILL ATTRACT H YOUR ATTENTION ONOE THIS SEAION. ,H SKAGGS CASH IT0REPRI018 WILL ATTRACT M YOU. EVERY DAY. . . 1 t KBJ OKtCli;OhiXOXOXO)ptOHi H 1 Painting and i I 1 Paperhanging I 9 Let J, W.' Vior and Sons 9 H m do your Spring work. H 2 A full line of wall paper H 0 bookB brought to your 6 H 9 home by request.. 9 H AH AVork guaranteed. M Prices Reasonable JM I J. W.Vier M American Perk, q H 0KK0cXsj0X01iy M If Disease or Acci- dent stopsfyour H Income H bbbbbI Disease or accident may at any H time totally and permanently dlsablo H you and put an end to your earning H power. What would you and your H fumily4do for an income How would your homo hi raalntainodt Would your vite work? Would your chll- M 'dren leave school and workT 'Your M wife might be unable- to earn an In- como your children might be too M young. There Is a better way and a sure way, H lit Me Eiplila ll to Yon ' I J. E. Chadwick I District Supt. H MUTUAL LIFE IX8UIL1NCK CO. 'Ill zbbbI Windsor Hotel II The Place Where Yuu Meet Your Friends. IH !:. KITZRATIUCK (Props.) A. CARTER . H U "LOCATED IN THE HEART OF SALT LAKE,. H CITY, UTAH." .T ,. Bip Proo Yellow BusMeote II Trains M $ 1.00 und up. H ' IbbbbbbI bbbbbbI ,3 'Jj |