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Show DILINQUXKT NOTICE Of the Monarch' Mine Company, Frln. clpal Place of Baslaeas, American Fork, Utah. "MOTICB There are delinquent on the following described stock on account ac-count of an assessment levied on the 25th day of January, 1022 the several amounts set opposite the respective re-spective shareholders names as follows: fol-lows: Cert. No. Nome Shares Amt 865 John Dauffman .,..6000 5.00 482 John Dauffman .... 1000 1.00 186 T. D. Cunningham 1000 1.00. 362 T. D. Cunningham R000 6.00 363 Shand Cunningham 6000 6,00 '388 Fon Cunningham 2866 ' 2.86 403 Fon Cunningham 466 .46 35 Douglass Hlndloy 1000 1.00 Kill F. M. Houston 1000 1.00 311F. M. Houston 1600 1.60 390 Holge Johnson 1000 1.00 34 Marie Muyno 1000 1.00 430 W. A. McDride 45600 45.60 162 Emmolino Mcllrldo 3604. 3.60 87 E. J. SoaBtrand 1000 1.00 422 E. J. Scnstran d 15000 16.00 427 W. II. Stono 3300 3.30 223 J. W. Storm 1000 1.00 244 J. W. Storra 2000 2.00 335 C. D. Snyder '600 .60 462 Leora Turnor 1000 1.00 117 J. D. Droadwatcr 2000 2.00 280 J. D. Droadwator 1000 1.00 436 J. B. Broad water 2600 2.60 139 Mrs. "Margaret Broadwater Broad-water 1000 1.00 281 Mrs. Mnrgnret Broad- wator 1000 1.00 And In accordance wlti law nnd nn order of tho board of directors mado on the 25th day of January 1022 so many nharos of each parcel of stock na may be necessnry will bo sold by tho secretary at City Hall. Amorlcan Fork, on Saturday, March 18, 1922 a t3 o'clock p. m. to pay do-llnqucnt do-llnqucnt assessment, cost of advertising adver-tising nnd exponso of salot I WAnREN ANDERSON, Socty. : First Publication March 4, 1922. Last Publication March 11, 1922. |