Show 44 FEDERAL university FOR THE PEOPLE george washington president ot of the united states was an insistent advocate tor for a federal university since washington there have been a succession of 0 advocates who sought to establish at the national capital a great seat of higher learning of 01 recent years various educators interested in ili educational finance have offered tabulations designed to show that the federal government diverted its revenues and its energies almost wholly into educational non channels and largely into matters concerned with N ar As ap a matter of tact fact the dream or of president washington long since became an actuality and instead of a negligible pere ot of revenues and effort of the federal government being directed towards educational ends the major portion ot of federal expenditures and effort are so directed an excellent illum aaion of this tact fact is afforded by the department of the interior this department is essentially in itself a federal university maintaining schools of education engineering geology botany zoology chemistry anthropology geography psychiatry and research the manner of 0 functioning of 0 these various schools of the department of the interior Is very clearly and tensely set forth by the secretary ot of the interior in a handsomely illustrato ed poster entitled A federal university for the people copies of this poster are available tor for free distribution to the general public and may be had by addressing the secretary of the interior washington D C |